I need to Compute 2x4 +7x3 -15x2 +3x+2 Using Horners Method. When I run this in QTSpim it doesn't give me any errors but I'm just wondering if everything is running completely right. For instance did I call "x" correctly?
I'm trying to load the value for x from memory by using an lw instruction. Set up a base register to use with the instruction. After the polynomial was calculated I stored it in memory with an sw instruction (using the same base register). I just want to be sure I'm doing this right.
Thank you for your assistance.
## $10 Holds X
## $11 is the base register
.globl main
lui $11,0x1000 # Init base register
lw $10,0($11) # Load x
sll $0,$0,0 # Break/Refresh
ori $1, $0, 2 # Put 2 in register 1
ori $10, $0, 0 # Put x as the placeholder for X in register 10
multu $1, $10 # Multiply register 1 by "X" (register 10)
mflo $1 # Move low result to register 1
addiu $1, $1, 7 # Add 7 to register 1 (2x + 7)
multu $1, $10 # Multiply register 1 by register 10 (2x^2 + 7x)
mflo $1 # Move low result to register 1
addu $1, $1, -15 # Subtract 15 from register 1, result in register 1
multu $1, $10 # Multiply register 1 by x. (2x^3 + 7x^2 -15x)
mflo $1 # Move low result to register 1
addiu $1, $1, 3 # Add 3 to register 1 (2x^3 + 7x^2 -15x + 3)
multu $1, $10 # Multiply register 1 by x (2x^4 + 7x^3 -15x^2 + 3x)
mflo $1 # Move low result to register 1
addiu $1, $1, 2 # Add 2 to register 1 (2x^4 + 7x^3 -15x^2 + 3x + 2)
sw $10,0($11) # Store word
sll $0,$0,0 # target of the branch
x: .word 1
result: .word 0
##End of file