I'm about at my wits' end trying to figure this out. This is homework, so any hints would be appreciated. I was tasked with filling in a few blocks of code (these are denoted by comment lines with a number resting in the middle) involving function calls in MIPS. The program is supposed to read a specified number of integers (determined at run time by the first question), re-print them, then flip the order and print them again. It then asks if there is another case to enter, and exits following a negative response. Specifically, the error in question is occuring at line 327, but I have no idea what is causing it. Thanks!
Here's my code:
.globl main
# int intArr[7];
# int valsToDo;
# char reply;
# char vtdPrompt[] = "vals to do? ";
# char entIntPrompt[] = "enter an int: ";
# char adjMsg[] = " is bad, make it ";
# char initLab[] = "initial:\n";
# char flipLab[] = "flipped:\n";
# char dmPrompt[] = "do more? ";
# int i, j;
# Register Usage:
# $t0: register holder for a value
# $t1: i
# $t2: j
addiu $sp, $sp, -109
jal DoStrInitCode # "atypical" use of function to reduce clutter
# do
# {
# valsToDo = GetOneIntByVal(vtdPrompt);
li $a0, '\n'
li $v0, 11
syscall # '\n' to offset effects of syscall #12 drawback
move $a0, $sp
jal GetOneIntByVal
sw $v0, 77($sp)
# ValidateInt(&valsToDo, 1, 7, adjMsg);
addi $a0, $sp, 77
li $a1, 1
li $a2, 7
addi $a3, $sp, 28
jal ValidateInt
# for (i = valsToDo; i > 0; --i)
lw $t1, 77($sp)
j FTestM1
# if (i % 2) // i is odd
andi $t0, $t1, 0x00000001
beqz $t0, ElseI1
# intArr[valsToDo - i] = GetOneIntByVal(entIntPrompt);
addi $a0, $sp, 13
jal GetOneIntByVal
lw $t0, 77($sp)
sub $t0, $t0, $t1
sll $t0, $t0, 2
lw $t3, 81($sp)
add $t0, $t3, $t0
move $t0, $v0
j endI1
# else // i is even
# GetOneIntByAddr(intArr + valsToDo - i, entIntPrompt);
lw $a0, 77($sp)
sub $a0, $a0, $t1
sll $a0, $a0, 2
addi $a0, $a0, 81
add $a0, $a0, $sp
addi $a1, $sp, 13
jal GetOneIntByAddr
addi $t1, $t1, -1
bgtz $t1, begFBodyM1
# ShowIntArray(intArr, valsToDo, initLab);
addi $a0, $sp, 81
addi $a1, $sp, 77
addi $a2, $sp, 46
jal ShowIntArray
# for (i = 0, j = valsToDo - 1; i < j; ++i, --j)
li $t1, 0
addi $t3, $sp, 77
addi $t2, $t3, -1
j FTestM2
# SwapTwoInts(intArr + i, intArr + j);
addi $a0, $sp, 81
sll $a0, $t1, 2
add $a0, $a0, $sp
addi $a1, $sp, 81
sll $a1, $t2, 2
add $a1, $a1, $sp
jal SwapTwoInts
addi $t1, $t1, 1
addi $t2, $t2, -1
blt $t1, $t2, begFBodyM2
# ShowIntArray(intArr, valsToDo, flipLab);
addi $a0, $sp, 81
addi $a1, $sp, 77
addi $a2, $sp, 56
jal ShowIntArray
# GetOneCharByAddr(&reply, dmPrompt);
addi $a0, $sp, 76
addi $a1, $sp, 66
jal GetOneCharByAddr
# }
# while (reply != 'n' && reply != 'N');
move $v1, $v0
li $t0, 'n'
beq $v1, $t0, endWhileM1
li $t0, 'N'
bne $v1, $t0, begWBodyM1
endWhileM1: # extra helper label added
# return 0;
addiu $sp, $sp, 109
li $v0, 10
#int GetOneIntByVal(const char prompt[])
# int oneInt;
# cout << prompt;
li $v0, 4
# cin >> oneInt;
li $v0, 5
# return oneInt;
jr $ra
#void GetOneIntByAddr(int* intVarToPutInPtr, const char prompt[])
# cout << prompt;
move $t0, $a0 # $t0 has saved copy of $a0 as received
move $a0, $a1
li $v0, 4
# cin >> *intVarToPutInPtr;
li $v0, 5
sw $v0, 0($t0)
jr $ra
#void ValidateInt(int* givenIntPtr, int minInt, int maxInt, const char msg[])
# Register Usage:
# $t0: copy of arg1 ($a0) as received
# $v1: value loaded from mem (*givenIntPtr)
move $t0, $a0 # $t0 has saved copy of $a0 as received
# if (*givenIntPtr < minInt)
# {
lw $v1, 0($t0) # $v1 has *givenIntPtr
bge $v1, $a1, ElseVI1
# cout << *givenIntPtr << msg << minInt << endl;
move $a0, $v1
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $a3
li $v0, 4
move $a0, $a1
li $v0, 1
li $a0, '\n'
li $v0, 11
# *givenIntPtr = minInt;
sw $a1, 0($t0)
j endIfVI1
# }
# else
# {
# if (*givenIntPtr > maxInt)
# {
ble $v1, $a2, endIfVI2
# cout << *givenIntPtr << msg << maxInt << endl;
move $a0, $v1
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $a3
li $v0, 4
move $a0, $a2
li $v0, 1
li $a0, '\n'
li $v0, 11
# *givenIntPtr = maxInt;
sw $a2, 0($t0)
# }
# }
jr $ra
#void ShowIntArray(const int array[], int size, const char label[])
# Register Usage:
# $t0: copy of arg1 ($a0) as received
# $a3: k
# $v1: value loaded from mem (*givenIntPtr)
move $t0, $a0 # $t0 has saved copy of $a0 as received
# cout << label;
move $a0, $a2
li $v0, 4
# int k = size;
move $a3, $a1
j WTestSIA
# while (k > 0)
# {
# cout << array[size - k] << ' ';
sub $v1, $a1, $a3 # $v1 gets (size - k)
sll $v1, $v1, 2 # $v1 now has 4*(size - k)
add $v1, $v1, $t0 # $v1 now has &array[size - k]
lw $a0, 0($v1) # $a0 has array[size - k]
li $v0, 1
li $a0, ' '
li $v0, 11
# --k;
addi $a3, $a3, -1
# }
bgtz $a3, begWBodySIA
# cout << endl;
li $a0, '\n'
li $v0, 11
jr $ra
#void SwapTwoInts(int* intPtr1, int* intPtr2)
# Register Usage:
# (fill in where applicable)
# int temp = *intPtr1;
# *intPtr1 = *intPtr2;
# *intPtr2 = temp;
move $t5, $a0
move $t6, $a0
move $t5, $v1
move $t6, $v0
jr $ra
#void GetOneCharByAddr(char* charVarToPutInPtr, const char prompt[])
# Register Usage:
# (fill in where applicable)
# cout << prompt;
# cin >> *charVarToPutInPtr;
move $t0, $a0
move $a0, $a1
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 5
sw $v0, 0($t0)
jr $ra
# not part of given C++ program
# "unusual" use of function to move "bulky & boring" string-initializing code
# off of main stage
# Register Usage:
# $t0: register holder for a value
li $t0, '\0'
sb $t0, 27($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 26($sp)
li $t0, ':'
sb $t0, 25($sp)
li $t0, 't'
sb $t0, 24($sp)
li $t0, 'n'
sb $t0, 23($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 22($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 21($sp)
li $t0, 'n'
sb $t0, 20($sp)
li $t0, 'a'
sb $t0, 19($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 18($sp)
li $t0, 'r'
sb $t0, 17($sp)
li $t0, 'e'
sb $t0, 16($sp)
li $t0, 't'
sb $t0, 15($sp)
li $t0, 'n'
sb $t0, 14($sp)
li $t0, 'e'
sb $t0, 13($sp)
li $t0, '\0'
sb $t0, 12($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 11($sp)
li $t0, '?'
sb $t0, 10($sp)
li $t0, 'o'
sb $t0, 9($sp)
li $t0, 'd'
sb $t0, 8($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 7($sp)
li $t0, 'o'
sb $t0, 6($sp)
li $t0, 't'
sb $t0, 5($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 4($sp)
li $t0, 's'
sb $t0, 3($sp)
li $t0, 'l'
sb $t0, 2($sp)
li $t0, 'a'
sb $t0, 1($sp)
li $t0, 'v'
sb $t0, 0($sp)
li $t0, '\0'
sb $t0, 55($sp)
li $t0, '\n'
sb $t0, 54($sp)
li $t0, ':'
sb $t0, 53($sp)
li $t0, 'l'
sb $t0, 52($sp)
li $t0, 'a'
sb $t0, 51($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 50($sp)
li $t0, 't'
sb $t0, 49($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 48($sp)
li $t0, 'n'
sb $t0, 47($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 46($sp)
li $t0, '\0'
sb $t0, 45($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 44($sp)
li $t0, 't'
sb $t0, 43($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 42($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 41($sp)
li $t0, 'e'
sb $t0, 40($sp)
li $t0, 'k'
sb $t0, 39($sp)
li $t0, 'a'
sb $t0, 38($sp)
li $t0, 'm'
sb $t0, 37($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 36($sp)
li $t0, ','
sb $t0, 35($sp)
li $t0, 'd'
sb $t0, 34($sp)
li $t0, 'a'
sb $t0, 33($sp)
li $t0, 'b'
sb $t0, 32($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 31($sp)
li $t0, 's'
sb $t0, 30($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 29($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 28($sp)
li $t0, '\0'
sb $t0, 75($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 74($sp)
li $t0, '?'
sb $t0, 73($sp)
li $t0, 'e'
sb $t0, 72($sp)
li $t0, 'r'
sb $t0, 71($sp)
li $t0, 'o'
sb $t0, 70($sp)
li $t0, 'm'
sb $t0, 69($sp)
li $t0, ' '
sb $t0, 68($sp)
li $t0, 'o'
sb $t0, 67($sp)
li $t0, 'd'
sb $t0, 66($sp)
li $t0, '\0'
sb $t0, 65($sp)
li $t0, '\n'
sb $t0, 64($sp)
li $t0, ':'
sb $t0, 63($sp)
li $t0, 'd'
sb $t0, 62($sp)
li $t0, 'e'
sb $t0, 61($sp)
li $t0, 'p'
sb $t0, 60($sp)
li $t0, 'p'
sb $t0, 59($sp)
li $t0, 'i'
sb $t0, 58($sp)
li $t0, 'l'
sb $t0, 57($sp)
li $t0, 'f'
sb $t0, 56($sp)
jr $ra