codemonster 0 Newbie Poster

I found an error in my c++ textbook and I can't find a way around it without re-writing the author's stuff completely. An error pops up when I don't use parentheses in the expressions that I enter.

"Expression: string subscript out of range" is the error. Again, this is the author's code. Anyone know whats wrong?

The problem seems to be in this snipit of code:

         default :  // operand
                RPNexp.append(BLANK + token);
                       if ( !isalnum(exp[i+1]) ) break;  // end of identifier
               token = exp[i];
               RPNexp.append(1, token);

Here is the entire thing:

/*-- DStack.h ---------------------------------------------------

  This header file defines a Stack data type.
  Basic operations:
    constructor:  Constructs an empty stack
    empty:        Checks if a stack is empty
    push:         Modifies a stack by adding a value at the top
    top:          Accesses the top stack value; leaves stack
    pop:          Modifies stack by removing the value at the
    display:      Displays all the stack elements

  Class Invariant:
    1. The stack elements (if any) are stored in positions
       0, 1, . . ., myTop of myArray.
    2. -1 <= myTop < myCapacity 


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#ifndef DSTACK
#define DSTACK

typedef int StackElement;

class Stack
  /***** Function Members *****/
  /***** Constructors *****/
  Stack(int numElements = 128);
    Construct a Stack object.

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: An empty Stack object has been constructed
        (myTop is initialized to -1 and myArray is an array
        with numElements (default 128) elements of type 

  Stack(const Stack & original);
    Copy Constructor 

    Precondition:  original is the stack to be copied and 
        is received as a const reference parameter.
    Postcondition: A copy of original has been constructed.

 /***** Destructor *****/
    Class destructor 

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: The dynamic array in the stack has been 

  /***** Assignment *****/
  Stack & operator= (const Stack & original);
    Assignment Operator 

   Precondition:  original is the stack to be assigned and 
       is received as a const reference parameter.
   Postcondition: The current stack becomes a copy of 
       original and a reference to it is returned.

  bool empty() const;
    Check if stack is empty.
    Precondition: None
    Postcondition: Returns true if stack is empty and 
        false otherwise.

  void push(const StackElement & value);
    Add a value to a stack.

    Precondition:  value is to be added to this stack
    Postcondition: value is added at top of stack provided 
        there is space; otherwise, a stack-full message is 
        displayed and execution is terminated.

  void display(ostream & out) const;
    Display values stored in the stack. 

    Precondition:  ostream out is open.
    Postcondition: Stack's contents, from top down, have
        been output to out.

  StackElement top() const;
    Retrieve value at top of stack (if any).

    Precondition:  Stack is nonempty
    Postcondition: Value at top of stack is returned, unless
        the stack is empty; in that case, an error message is
        displayed and a "garbage value" is returned.

  void pop();
    Remove value at top of stack (if any).

    Precondition:  Stack is nonempty.
    Postcondition: Value at top of stack has been removed, 
        unless the stack is empty; in that case, an error 
        message is displayed and execution allowed to proceed.

 /***** Data Members *****/
  int myCapacity,           // capacity of stack
      myTop;                // top of stack
  StackElement * myArray;   // dynamic array to store elements

}; // end of class declaration


       Convert infix expressions to postfix.

       Input:  An infix expression and user responses
       Output: The postfix expression

    #include <iostream>   // <<, >>, cout, cin
    #include <string>         // string, ==, find, npos
    #include <cassert>        // assert()
    #include <cctype>         // alnum()
    using namespace std;
    #include "DStack.h"       // Stack class with StackElement = char

    string postfix(string exp);

    int main()
       string exp;            // infix expression
       cout << "NOTE: Enter # for infix expression to stop.\n";
       for (;;)
          cout << "\nInfix expression? ";
          getline(cin, exp);

          if (exp == "#") break;

          cout << "Postfix expression is " << postfix(exp) << endl;

    string postfix(string exp)
       Function to convert an infix expression exp to postfix.

       Precondition:  exp is received
       Postcondition: postfix expression corresponding to exp is returned
           or an error message displayed if an error was found in exp.
       char token,                   // character in exp
            topToken;                // token on top of opStack
       Stack opStack;                // stack of operators
       string RPNexp;                // postfix expression
       const string BLANK = " ";
       for (int i = 0; i < exp.length(); i++)
          token = exp[i];
             case ' ' : break;       // do nothing -- skip blanks
             case '(' : opStack.push(token);
             case ')' : for (;;)
                           assert (!opStack.empty());
                           topToken =;
                           if (topToken == '(') break;
                           RPNexp.append(BLANK + topToken);
             case '+' : case '-' :
             case '*' : case '/': case'%':
                        for (;;)
                           if (opStack.empty() ||
                      == '(' ||
                               (token == '*' || token == '/' || token == '%') &&
                               ( == '+' || == '-'))
                              topToken =;
                              RPNexp.append(BLANK + topToken);
             default :  // operand
                    RPNexp.append(BLANK + token);
                           if ( !isalnum(exp[i+1]) ) break;  // end of identifier
                   token = exp[i];
                   RPNexp.append(1, token);
       // Pop remaining operators on the stack
       for (;;)
          if (opStack.empty()) break;
          topToken =;
          if (topToken != '(')
             RPNexp.append(BLANK + topToken);
             cout << " *** Error in infix expression ***\n";
       return RPNexp;

    /*-- DStack.cpp----------------------------------------------------------

       This file implements Stack member functions.


    #include <iostream>
    #include <cassert>
    #include <new>
    using namespace std;

    #include "DStack.h"

    //--- Definition of Stack constructor
    Stack::Stack(int numElements)
       assert (numElements > 0);  // check precondition
       myCapacity = numElements;  // set stack capacity
                         // allocate array of this capacity
       myArray = new(nothrow) StackElement[myCapacity];
       if (myArray != 0)          // memory available
          myTop = -1;
          cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack \n"
                  " -- terminating execution\n";
       }               // or assert(myArray != 0);

    //--- Definition of Stack copy constructor
    Stack::Stack(const Stack & original)
    : myCapacity(original.myCapacity), myTop(original.myTop)
       //--- Get new array for copy
       myArray = new(nothrow) StackElement[myCapacity];   
                                         // allocate array in copy

       if (myArray != 0)                 // check if memory available
          // copy original's array member into this new array
          for (int pos = 0; pos < myCapacity; pos++) 
             myArray[pos] = original.myArray[pos];
          cerr << "*Inadequate memory to allocate stack ***\n";

    //--- Definition of Stack destructor
       delete [] myArray;

    //--- Definition of assignment operator
    Stack & Stack::operator=(const Stack & original)
      if (this != &original)                   // check that not st = st
         //-- Allocate a new array if necessary
          if (myCapacity != original.myCapacity) 
        delete[] myArray;                  // destroy previous array

        myCapacity = original.myCapacity;  // copy myCapacity
             myArray = new StackElement[myCapacity]; 
             if (myArray == 0)                  // check if memory available
           cerr << "*** Inadequate memory ***\n";
          //--- Copy original's array into this myArray
          for (int pos = 0; pos < myCapacity; pos++) 
             myArray[pos] = original.myArray[pos];

          myTop = original.myTop;              // copy myTop member
       return *this;

    //--- Definition of empty()
    bool Stack::empty() const
       return (myTop == -1); 

    //--- Definition of push()
    void Stack::push(const StackElement & value)
       if (myTop < myCapacity - 1) //Preserve stack invariant
          myArray[myTop] = value;
          cerr << "*** Stack full -- can't add new value ***\n"
                  "Must increase value of STACK_CAPACITY in Stack.h\n";

    //--- Definition of display()
    void Stack::display(ostream & out) const
       for (int i = myTop; i >= 0; i--) 
          out << myArray[i] << endl;

    //--- Definition of top()
    StackElement Stack::top() const
       if ( !empty() ) 
          return (myArray[myTop]);
          cerr << "*** Stack is empty "
                  " -- returning garbage value ***\n";
          return *(new StackElement);

    //--- Definition of pop()
    void Stack::pop()
       if ( !empty() )
          cerr << "*** Stack is empty -- "
                  "can't remove a value ***\n";