please help

If you're looking for the runtime envirionment (the thing that lets you use java apps) then go to and download J2EE. If you want to make programs get the JDK, which can also be obtained from

If you're looking for the runtime envirionment (the thing that lets you use java apps) then go to and download J2EE. If you want to make programs get the JDK, which can also be obtained from

i am also looking to begin programming in i will ask my question inn this thread itself.i have downloaded sun's jdk1.5 can you please give me the steps to install and start using the jdk? thak you

This is the site:

If you intend to develop applications in Java, download the JDK or the Java Development Kit. Otherwise, download the JRE (not J2EE), which will allow you to only run Java applications. The JDK is a superset of the JRE so you do not need to download both. You might also want to download the Documentation if you get the JDK.

Installation is rather simple, just double-click on the installer to start. The JRE version will only install the JRE while the JDK version will install both the JDK and JRE. To install the Documentation, extract all the files in the ZIP into the folder where the JDK was installed (like "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06"). This is usually the default location where Java related applications like Java IDEs will search for the documentation.

Some Common Questions

  • What is NetBeans?
    NetBeans is a Java IDE. Sun provides an option to download the JDK bundled together with NetBeans. Alternatively you can get NetBeans from NetBeans is free.
  • What is an IDE?
    IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. In general, an IDE is a text editor, designed with special services that aids the developer in completing his/her programmatic tasks. Some of these services include refactoring and debugging. You should use an IDE whenever you do development work, and even more so that there are so many good and free IDEs out there. I myself do not use NetBeans but I use Eclipse, another excellent yet free Java IDE. You can also use jEdit, a simple and good "programmer's text editor," or JCreator.

Hope this helps.

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