Well my problem is on boardGenUSER I don't know why... it's print out the number 2 into the 0 row and 8th column :-/ I really
stuck and i need points to continue please check out my code below and let me know...
Thank you in advance!!!
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int row,col;
char board1[] = {']',']',']',']',']',']',']',']','\0'};
char board2[] = {'[','[','[','[','[','[','[','[','\0'};
int board[8][8] = {{0,0,0,0,9,0,0,0},
int quit(); //quit function of the game
int minesweep();
int replay(); //replay function of the game(if the user wants to quit)
int boardGenBOOM(); // board booms generating.... This function generate a specific type of booms into the 2D array
int boardGenUSER(); //board user generation..... This function generate the 2nd 2D array based on the user input Columns and Rows
int DisplayMenu(); //function that display the menu of the program
int main() { // Int main of the whole program...
DisplayMenu(); //called the function
return 0; // a returning value (since compiler set warning message)
int quit() //quit function
char opt; // declaration values
do // do of while loop below
cout << "Do you want to exit(y/n)? ";
cin >> opt; // asked from user to enter an input in char
if (opt=='n' || opt=='N') // if statement.!! Checks if the input is == to a specific char
cout << string(25, '\n'); // if it's not since I can't used cls am using linux distribution
return main(); //rerurning into main menu // i set a string value of 25 and change line to clear the screen
}while(opt!='Y' && opt!='y'); // while the input of the user is not = with the specific char (Y)-(y)
// goes into do
return 0; // returning value..!!
} // end of function quit!!!
int replay() // replay function (when the game is done asking the user if wants to play again or not)
char a; //variables
cout << "1) Replay 2) Quit" << endl;
cin >> a;//asked from the user to set a char
switch(a) //switch case of the input that the user give....
{ // started of switch case
case '1': //case 1
return main(); //the program return into the main menu
break; //break of case 1
case '2': //care 2
cout << "Quit" << endl;
break; //break of case 2 //the program exit
default: // default when the user enter invalid input..
cout << "Invalid input" << endl; //print out error message
replay(); // and return into the function replay (called the function)
break; //break of default
} //end of switch case
return 0; //returning value
int minesweep() //MineSweep function
int counter =0; //counter variable
cout <<endl;
cout<<"\n | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |"; //prints out the columns
cout<<"\n | - - - - - - - - |";
for(int r = 0; r < 8; ++r) //for loop of rows
{cout<<"\n";cout<<" "<<counter++<<"|"; //prints out the counter rows
for(int c = 0; c < 8; ++c) //nested loop of columns
cout <<" "<<board2[7]<<""<<board1[7]<<""; // prints rows as board2 is - from 0 into 7
cout<<endl; //end line
boardGenUSER(); //called the function user board Generating to initial the user options
return 0;
int boardGenBOOM() //generating booms board.. This function generate the specific booms that are added into the board
{ //start
int counter =0; // varibles
char option;
cout<<"\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ";
cout<<"\n - - - - - - - - "; //prints out the columns
for(int r = 0; r < 8; ++r) //for loop for rows
{cout<<"\n";cout<<" "<<counter++<<"|"; // prints out counter of rows
for(int c = 0; c < 8; ++c) // nested loop for columns
cout <<" "<<board[r][c]<<" "; //prints out array board rows and columns
} //end of loop for
do // while the user enter N or n
cout << "Do you still want to play game(y/n)? ";
cin >> option; //asking again
if (option=='Y' || option=='y') // if statement of 'y' or 'Y'
{ // if the user enters y or Y
cout << string(25, '\n'); //since I can't used system("CLS"); am using string 25 \n to enter 25 lines so
return main(); //and return into int main // the screen will figuratively clear
}while(option!='N' && option!='n'); //while of option.. check if the user enter a char 'N'or'n'
return 0;
int boardGenUSER(){
int row,col;
int counter =0;
//int help1 = 1;
int help2 = 2;
//int help3 = 3;
cout<<"Please enter row - column integers of cell: ";
cout<<"\n | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |";
cout<<"\n | - - - - - - - - |";
for(int r = 0; r < 8; ++r)
{cout<<"\n";cout<<" "<<counter++<<"|";
for(int c = 0; c < 8; ++c)
cout <<" "<<board2[r]<<""<<board1[c]<<""<<"";
if (row ==1 && col ==3)
cout <<" "<<board2[row--]<<""<<help2<<board1[col--]<<""<<"";
return 0;
int DisplayMenu() //function of main menu of the program
char opt; //char variable
cout << "\nSelect One Option!";
cout << "\n------------------"; //main menu of the program
cout << "\n1|Game."; // prints out all the options
cout << "\n2|Boom."; // that the user can edit
cout << "\n3|Exit.";
cout << "\nOption: ";
cin >> opt; // check the option of the user
switch (opt) //switch case of the user input
case '1': minesweep(); // case 1: called the function minesweep
break; // break of case 1
case '2': boardGenBOOM(); //case 2: called the function boardGenBOOM
break; //break of case 2
case '3': quit(); // case 3: called the function quit
break; // break of case 3
default: cout << "Error input, The program will exit.!!"<<endl; return 0; //default: any other character will print out error
} //message and exit the program.....
return 0;