I have an application that can filter a datagridview based on date using a datetimepicker. The "date" column in my database is a datetime data type, hence it will contain a date and time stored within but there is some data which have only dates. My problem is my datetimepicker filter can only filter those data with date = 12:00:00 AM. Those data which contains time other than that cannot be filtered when I chose the date using datatimepicker. I don't know what's the problem.
Here is my code :
public partial class trackInput : Form
public trackInput()
dataGridView1.Visible = false;
webBrowser1.Location = new Point(12, 141);
/*private void trackInput_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'trackingBMSDATADataSet.BRDATA' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
private void trackBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dataGridView1.Visible = true;
if (dataGridView1.Visible == true)
webBrowser1.Location = new Point(12, 397);
//DataTable dt = null;
string connoInput = textBox1.Text;
string conString = Properties.Settings.Default.BMSDATAConnectionString;
using (SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\TrackCon\TrackCon\BMSDATA.sdf;Persist Security Info = True;Password=Gdex123$"))
string Ids = "conno= '" + System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(textBox1.Text.Trim(), @"\s*\n\s*", "' OR conno= '") + "'";
SqlCeCommand com = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT conno,cmpsno,ctrx,dsysdate,cstnno,corigin FROM BRDATA WHERE " +Ids, con);
SqlCeDataAdapter adap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(com);
DataSet set = new DataSet();
if (set.Tables.Count > 0)
bRDATABindingSource1.DataSource = set.Tables[0];
bRDATABindingSource1.Filter = null;
dataGridView1.DataSource = bRDATABindingSource1;
private void trackMPSbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dataGridView1.Visible = true;
if (dataGridView1.Visible == true)
webBrowser1.Location = new Point(12, 397);
//DataTable dt = null;
//string connoInput = textBox1.Text;
string conString = Properties.Settings.Default.BMSDATAConnectionString;
using (SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\TrackCon\TrackCon\BMSDATA.sdf;Persist Security Info = True;Password=Gdex123$"))
dataGridView1.DataSource = bRDATABindingSource1;
string Ids = "cmpsno= '" + System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(textBox2.Text.Trim(), @"\s*\n\s*", "' OR cmpsno= '") + "'";
SqlCeCommand com = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT conno,cmpsno,ctrx,dsysdate,cstnno,corigin FROM BRDATA WHERE " + Ids + "VALUES dsysdate = " +string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"), con);
SqlCeDataAdapter adap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(com);
DataSet set = new DataSet();
if (set.Tables.Count > 0)
bRDATABindingSource1.DataSource = set.Tables[0];
bRDATABindingSource1.Filter = null;
dataGridView1.DataSource = bRDATABindingSource1;
private void dateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlCeCommand cm = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT CAST(FLOOR(CAST(dsysdate as FLOAT)) AS DateTime) FROM BRDATA");
bRDATABindingSource1.Filter = string.Format("dsysdate = #{0:dd/MM/yyyy}#",dateTimePicker1.Value.ToLongDateString(), cm);