I am Using netBeans..
I have 4 JLists (i.e jList1 , jList2, jList3 , jList4) in 4 different tabs in frame.
Each List has the value of employee_id from database (i successfully did it already)
there are many field in tabs ( i.e rows of databse with employee id as primary key)
How to know which jList is selected so that i get the value of employee_id from the correct jList (i.e which is selected)
to fetch data from database using selected employee id from selected jList with a common handler
A part of my program is
` private void get_empid_detail(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
try {
Connection con= (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hrms","root","soft");
Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
boolean list1notSelected = jList1.isSelectionEmpty(); // caution or error whatever-> list1notSelected not in use
boolean list2notSelected = jList2.isSelectionEmpty(); // same for list2notSelected
boolean list3notSelected = jList3.isSelectionEmpty(); //same for list3notSelected
boolean list4notSelected = jList4.isSelectionEmpty(); // same for list4notSelected
String id;
if ( list1notSelected = false){
id = (String) jList1.getSelectedValue(); // caution or error whetever
else if(list2notSelected = false){ // every id in loop is not in use
id = (String) jList2.getSelectedValue();
else if(list3notSelected = false){
id = (String) jList3.getSelectedValue();
else if(list4notSelected = false){
id = (String) jList3.getSelectedValue();
String sql1 = "Select * from emp where emp_id = '" + (id) + "'"; //error -> variable id might not have been initised
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql1);
while (rs.next())
String empid = rs.getString("emp_id");
String f_name = rs.getString("first_name");
String l_name = rs.getString("last_name");
String qual = rs.getString("qualification");
String dept = rs.getString("department");
jTextField27.setText(""+ empid);
jTextField28.setText(""+ f_name);
jTextField29.setText(""+ l_name);
jTextField30.setText(""+ qual);
jTextField31.setText(""+ dept);
catch(Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage());
Please Help . I have to submitt my project on monday and this is the only bug remaining..
Every part of software is working properly except this problem.