Hi all.
I am a newcomer to python and I am teaching myself from books, videos and on-line tutorials.
I currently have a basic script I am working on (can't post the code right now as I'm away from my laptop), and I cannot figure out how to do what I want to do.
Basically it's a little game where you buy and sell shares. The script displays a message when you begin and asks if you want to continue. If you press y then it goes into a while loop that means that the code will keep running untill you run out of money. When you do run out of money the game ends and as a consequence the script ends.
What I am trying to do is get the script to run from the top again instead of quitting. I'm currently not at the level of classes or functions if that's what it requires, though if it does need them then ill just leave it as is untill I get that far.
Thanks for reading.