can anyone kindly help me in writing a program for creating an address book. Its kinda urgent and I ll be really grateful.
program description:
develop a program for an address book.single entry in an address book is called a contact, which can have any of the following fields,
1. first name 2. last name 3. nickname 4. email1 5. email2 7. phone1 8. phone2 9. address 11.birthday 12.notes
a contact must have at least one of the first four fields to be the address book the user should be able to
1.add a contact
2.display all contacts sorted by a chosen field
3.display details of a single contact
4.remove a contact
5.find all contacts matching a keyword in a given field
6.modify a contact
7.export the address book to csv format file
8.exit the program
when the program is executed it takes a single command line argument:the name of the input file from which it reads an address book. all the modifications should be saved to the same original file on exit.
[A] add user shd be prompted for fields one by one. if any one of first 4 fields not there error: Invalid entry: the contact could not be created
[D] display sorted by first name last name nickname email
[C] display details of contact preview of address book shown and user prompted for the index of the contact whose details to be displayed.
[R] remove contact preview of address book shown and user prompted for the index of the contact whose details to be removed.
[M] modify contact
[F] find contacts matching
[E] export to csv format
[Q] exit