Im trying to create a deck of cards using enums. I already have my enum declared, but I'm stuck in how exactly to create the deck of cards using a boolean array.

So far i tried to initialize my constructor, but I don't know what direction to take now. Any help would be greatly appreciated it. Thank you.

package Cards;

//Class to represent a standard Deck of 52 Playing-Cards
//  The following functionality is provided
//      Default Constructor - creates a complete deck of cards
//      shuffle() - collects all 52 cards into the deck
//      deal() - returns a randomly selected card from the deck
import java.util.Random;
public class DeckOfCards
    public static final int DECK_SIZE = 52;

    //Instance Variables
    private boolean[] deck; //An implicit set of 52 Playing-Cards
    private int cardsInDeck;//Number of cards currently in the deck
    private Random dealer;  //Used to randomly select a card to be dealt

    public DeckOfCards()

            deck = new boolean[ DECK_SIZE ];
            for(PlayingCard.CardSuit suit : PlayingCard.CardSuit.values())
                for(PlayingCard.CardRank rank : PlayingCard.CardRank.values())
                    deck[ cardsInDeck++ ] = true;


    //Collect all 52 Playing-Cards into the deck
    public void shuffle()


    //Simulate dealing a randomly selected card from the deck
    //Dealing from an empty deck results in a RuntimeException
    public PlayingCard deal()

            return null;

How exactly do you intend to use the boolean array? What is the logical proposition that will be true ort false for each element?
Most people define a Card class, and have an array of Cards.

Strange card game with only two cards in the deck: true and false.

commented: No, it has 52 cards +1

The boolean is gonna help me when dealing the card from the array. It will be set to true for all of the cards, once i deal a card it will be set to false. Im just kinda confused on where should i crdate the deck of cards.

Most people define a Card class, and have an array of Cards. Then when a Card is dealt you simply remove it from the array. Using an ArrayList<Card> rather than an array of Cards handles removing and resizing for you.

Thank you for your feedback, but we have to implement an array rather than an array list. But i could create a new class, and that class will have the array of cards?

That would make perfect Object-Oriented sense - a "Deck" class that has a (private) array of Cards, and provides public methods like :

Deck deck = new Deck();
Card nextCard = deck.dealOneCard();

That way all the mechanisms for keeping track of what cards remain etc will be properly hidden inside that class.

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