Hi! I am wondering what's wrong with my code. It's a simple code which is supposed to activate the PC speaker with a DO note.
I'm using XPmode on windows7 ultimate 32B SP1, with EMU86 as assembler, runnig the program with CMD (tried also dosbox).
The wierd thing is when I'm using a very similar, yet more complicated code (below) on the same machine it workes just fine.
My code:
.model small
.stack 100h
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov al, 10110110b ; move control word to timer
out 43h, al ; set channel 2 enable
mov ax, 2280 ; ax makes the frwquncy of a DO note
out 42h, al ; move first byte to timer counter
mov al, ah
out 42h, al ; move second byte to timer counter
mov al, ah
in al, 61h ; get port B
or al, 00000011b ; set the two lsb to 1 - activate speaker
out 61h, al
mov cx, 0FFFFh ; wait for a few seconds
push cx
mov cx, 0FFFFh
loop again2
pop cx
loop again1
in al, 61h ; get port B
and al, 11111100b ; set the two lsb to 0 - disable speaker
out 61h, al
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
The other (working) code:
Control_Word_Channel_2 = 10110110b
Do_for_counter = 2280
lsb_on = 00000011b
lsb_off = 11111100b
Delay_count = 0fffh ;the delay for wait func
timer_counter_channel2 = 042h
control_word_address = 043h
port_B = 61h
keybord_pos = 64
insert_key = 60h
.model small
.stack 100h
operand db 2
array dw 0, 2280, 2031, 1809, 1715, 1521, 1355, 1207, 1140
rec_array dw 150 dup ('?')
counter dw 0
rec_index dw 0
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov al, Control_Word_Channel_2
out 43h, al ;move control word to timer
call check_key ;check keyboard
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
;func_name: play_on
;Play the wanted note
push ax ;save reg
mov ah, 0 ;init
dec al ;dec the key_scan_code
mul operand ;mul the key in order to get the right place in array
mov bx, 0 ;init
mov bl, al ;bl- the index of the right note in array
mov ax, [array][bx] ;ax is the wanted note
out timer_counter_channel2, al ;move first byte to timer counter
call save ;save the note
add counter, 2 ;count the note that was played
mov al, ah
out timer_counter_channel2, al ;move seconed byte to timer counte
mov al, ah
in al, port_B ;get port B
or al, lsb_on ;on the lsb 0 & 1
out port_B, al ;make_sound
pop ax
;func_name: save
;save the note in the rec_array
push bx
mov bx, counter
mov [rec_array][bx], ax ;insert the note in the rec_array
pop bx
;func_name: play_off
;Play music :)
push ax
in al, port_B ;get port B
and al, lsb_off ;off the lsb 0 & 1
out port_B, al ;stop- sound
pop ax
;func_name: play_rec
;Play the recorded music
mov cx, counter
mov bx, rec_index
mov ax, [rec_array][bx] ;ax is the wanted note
out timer_counter_channel2, al ;move first byte to timer counter
mov al, ah
out timer_counter_channel2, al ;move seconed byte to timer counte
in al, port_B ;get port B
or al, lsb_on ;on the lsb 0 & 1
out port_B, al ;make_sound
call wait1 ;delay
call wait1
call play_off ;off sound
add rec_index, 2 ;the next place in rec-array
cmp rec_index, cx
jne again ;while rec_index!=counter
mov rec_index, 0 ;init
mov counter, 0 ;init
;key 1-8: play note
;key R : replay
;key 9 ; exit
in al, keybord_pos
and al, 01
cmp al, 1 ;check if the lsb of 64h port is 1
jnz cont
in al, insert_key ;insert the key code to al
cmp al, 10 ;if the key is 1-8- play
jb play
je exit ;if the key is 9- exit
cmp al, 13h ;if the key is R- replay
je replay
jmp cont
call play_on ;play sound
call wait1 ;delay
call wait1
call play_off ;paly_off
jmp cont
call play_rec ;replay
jmp cont ;check key again
;func_name: wait1
;Cause delay
mov cx, Delay_count
wait_again2: mov dx, 0ffffh
dec dx
jnz wait_again1
loop wait_again2
I would be thankfull for any clue.