Here's my code
Dim allelementds As HtmlElementCollection = MbFacebookBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span")
For Each DD As HtmlElement In allelementds
If DD.OuterHtml.Contains("resource") Then
End If
LblHel.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(0).ToString
LblIro.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(1).ToString
LblOxy.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(2).ToString
LblWat.Text = TlsResourceComboBox.Items.Item(3).ToString
As you can see im currently using a combobox as a type of a list which uses index to give certain labels their text
I know that there are only 4 indexes when getting the inner text so how can put those 4 indexes into a sort of list
without me using a Combobox lol XD