How java help to create website ?.

DavidKroukamp commented: no research at all +0
deltascrow commented: I totally agree. +0

Type that into Google, after all thats why its there.

java doesn't help, you'll still have to write the code yourself.
there are, however, several techniques and frameworks that can help you out.

jsp, jsf & servlets


off course using Spring and Hibernate can help you out as well, depending on what you want to do, and how complex you want certain parts of your application to be.

Applets are - as far as I know - why Java is known for being in web pages. So do some research on Java Applets if you're wanting more power in your websites.

if u want to create website in java. than look in to jsp
if u want to create appltion and put it website. than look in to japplets

@game06, i am pretty sure by now that the OP has given up or already achieved his goal by now. No need to reincarnate this thread...

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