I have downloaded the J2SESDK and installed it. It is the bundle pack that comes with NetBeans. However when I run the installation only the directories for the 2 are created and there is nothing in there. I haven't a clue if thats supposed to happen but I'm guessing no. So when I tried the hello world test. I came up with this for the coding :
public class HellowWorld
public static void main(string args[]);
System.out.println("Hello World");
My error is a pathfile one.
Error : Invalid path, \bin\javac.exe -classpath "C:\Program Files\Xinox Software\JCreatorV3LE\MyProjects\New" -d C:\Program" Files\Xinox "Software\JCreatorV3LE\MyProjects\New C:\Program" Files\Xinox Software\JCreatorV3LE\MyProjects\New\HelloWorld.java
I have no idea how to fix as there in no \bin directory in my JDK folder. In fact...like I said earlier, there is nothing. Like no installation took place. Any help?