I want to make 6 Timer right on top of each other. With a label to the left of it. Each label has a different time to start the countdown on. Like label 1 7 min. Label 2 6 min and so on. How do you do this in VB 2010.
Mr.Sunny 0 Newbie Poster
iFrolox 4 Newbie Poster
Reverend Jim 5,070 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
Mr.Sunny 0 Newbie Poster
Mr.Sunny 0 Newbie Poster
iFrolox 4 Newbie Poster
Mr.Sunny 0 Newbie Poster
Gé48 1 Newbie Poster
Mr.Sunny 0 Newbie Poster
Gé48 1 Newbie Poster
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