I only just noticed that doing something like this is wrong;
int thrdcount = 0;
while (thrdcount < 4)
Thread t = new Thread(() =>
dowork(thrdcount); //Start the threadWorker
thrdcount++; //Increase the thread count
Because the loop can end up finishing so fast that all 4 created threads get a 'thrdcount' with a value of 3. Or maybe two of them get a vlue of 2 and the other two a value of 3, etc.
So I changed it to this;
int thrdcount = 0;
while (thrdcount < 4)
using (ManualResetEvent waitForThreadStart = new ManualResetEvent(false)) //Allows us to wait until the thread succesfully started
Thread t = new Thread(() =>
int threadcount_use = thrdcount;
waitForThreadStart.Set(); //Let main thread know we started
dowork(threadcount_use); //Start the threadWorker
waitForThreadStart.WaitOne(); //Wait until the thread started
thrdcount++; //Increase the thread count
Work great! But now I'm wondering about the way I have a server accept new connections;
/// <summary>
/// Will accept connections until GlobalVars.mustClose is true or an exception occurs
/// </summary>
public void start()
serverSocket = new TcpListener(port);
while (true)
TcpClient clientSocket = null; //Initiate TcpClient object that we will be sending to the client handler.
if (GlobalVars.mustClose) break;
bool cont = true;
output("Waiting for client to connect.");
clientSocket = serverSocket.AcceptTcpClient(); //Accept new client
if (clientConnect == null)
client_error("A client handler has not been set.");
//Get conn info
System.Net.Sockets.Socket s = clientSocket.Client;
string Cip = ((IPEndPoint)s.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString();
int Cport = ((IPEndPoint)s.RemoteEndPoint).Port;
//Output conn info
string client_con = String.Format("Client connected : {0}:{1}", Cip, Cport);
catch (Exception) { cont = false; } //TODO: Proper error handling
if (cont)
if (!GlobalVars.mustClose)
Thread t = new Thread(() =>
catch (Exception) { client_error("Exception when connecting to client."); /*Failed to connect client*/ }
//This part of the code should never be reached...
catch (Exception) { } //Catch exception in case it already stopped earlier
catch (Exception) { fatal_error("Failed to start."); /*Failed to start*/ }
fatal_error("Server ended.");
If the while loop accepts two clients really fast, is it possible for the 'clientConnect(clientSocket);' in the first loop to send the wrong (duplicate of second or null-valued) clientSocket, or will it at all times send the correct one, since a new one is created each loop?