Following on from my post yesterday (how to anchor buttons/controls to various sides of the current form when the form is resized) I have run into another problem. I am setting the width of my datagrid to be 80% of the form width on a 'form resize' event with 10% of the width at either side so it remains centred in whatever size window is available. This works fine. (mydatagrid.width = me.width/5*4)
I then decided to dynamically set the width of the 2 columns in the datagrid each to 50% of the width of the datagrid. Again, this sub is called in the 'form resize' event. This fails because the datagrid hasn't loaded the data from my sql database when the first 'resize' event is triggered. I did a bit of testing (by placing a simple msgbox statement into the resize event and the load event) and it seems the 'resize' event is triggered three times before the form's load event.
So - my question is - how do I stop the resize event triggering when the form loads (or at least make the load event trigger first).