i have recently started learning java .... i completed "head first java" recently ....it is just an intro to java . now i am looking to learn other aspects of java so could you tell me which book to read next . Or should i jump straight into a example project .... if I wanted to get into android development will i have to learn more concepts
One more question do people still use java applets ..... and can java be used as a sub for php(sorry if its naive question) .
thanks ..(do suggest a book)

Well how far into java are you? Did you learn arrays?, pointers? about garbarge clean up, instances? these are considered the basics as well? The more you tell us what you know the better we can be at telling you what your missing :) And yes people still use apps on the computer but the new big trend is android obviously :P

Hi kovidd, as soapyillusion pointed out you haven't really let anyone know what you do know. If you are comfortable with arrays and pointers you could move onto data structures and algorithms located here. I think that learning about stacks, queues, lists, iterators, and trees would be the next step, at least it is at the university I am going to.

here are the topics covered in head first java book..... i already know php ,c , c++

file i/o
hash maps etc

as i earlier said book is just an intro to these concepts ..... how to learn more

here are the topics covered in head first java book..... i already know php ,c , c++

file i/o
hash maps etc

as i earlier said book is just an intro to these concepts ..... how to learn more

See my last post for a good book to learn more.

I say "do a project". It almost doesn't matter what it is as long as it's not too simplistic. Now you have the essential concepts you will learn best by doing.

thank you for your response.... could you suggest any project after that i am going to close the thread.... it has been helpful

Have a lookm through this forum - you'll find many different projects that people have been set as part of their formal Java education (and plenty of hints about how to do them, if needed)

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