can someone give me an idea how I limit the decimals in the output of this code:

 * @(#)
 * @author Bryan Mark
 * @version 1.00 2012/8/4

public class Converter 
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException 
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        double farenheit, celsius;

        System.out.println("Enter a value for Farenheit: ");
        farenheit = Double.parseDouble(br.readLine());
        celsius = (5.0/9) * farenheit - 32;
        System.out.println("Farenheit " + farenheit + " = " + celsius + " Celsius");


this is a sample output..

Enter a value for Farenheit:
Farenheit 29.5 = -15.61111111111111 Celsius

you could format the output similar to C like so:

System.out.printf("Farenheit %.2f = %.2f Celsius",farenheit,celsius);
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