I have written the following code for Towers of Hanoi problem using non recursive approach. I guess it is not correct as the number of moves are not 2*n - 1, for eg, for 3 disks to be moved, it has to generate 7 moves. Thanks in advance.
# Towers of Hanoi #
numbers = []
def TowersofHanoi():
# Proram to simulate Towers of hanoi
# Objective is to move the disks from A to C
# with B as a temporary varialbel
print "Program to simulate Towers of Hanoi"
print "Users will input numbers of disks, which is 'A'"
print "The disks have to be moved from A to C"
print "With B as temporary placeholder"
print "Enter the number of disks to be moved:",
Num = int (raw_input("> "))
Src = Num
Aux = 0
Dst = 0
print "you have entered %d disks to be moved"
print "Source is -->", Src
print "Auxillary is -->", Aux
print "Destination is -->", Dst
print "Disk positions after the placement:"
#B = A-1
#print B
while Num >= 1:
print Num
Aux = Num-1
Src = Src-Aux
Dst = Src
print "Source is -->", Src
print "Auxillary is -->", Aux
print "Destination is -->", Dst
Src = Aux
Num = Num-1
print numbers
print "The task of accomplishing the movements of disk is over"
print "This completes TOWERS OF HANOI!"
print "Final disk positions are:"
print "Source is -->", Src
print "Auxillary is -->", Aux
print "Destination is -->", len(numbers)