Hi all,
I wrote an application for our poker games. It works great as a timer and stores our points. My problem is that I want to sort the points in order and redisplay along with peoples names, total tournament games, total games.
Here is a snippet of how I load a player and attempt to create an array for the points etc:
'Load YT
Open "C:\Poker\yt.pok" For Input As #1
Input #1, PlayerName, TournamentGames, TotalGamesPlayed, Points
Close #1
Label15.Caption = PlayerName
Label16.Caption = Points
Label17.Caption = TotalGamesPlayed
Label67.Caption = TournamentGames
LeagueTable(0).LName = PlayerName
LeagueTable(0).LPoints = Points
LeagueTable(0).LTourn = TournamentGames
LeagueTable(0).LTotal = TotalGamesPlayed
The rest of the players load up to LeagueTable(14)
I just haven't a clue how to sort and display in a picturebox or text box. Can someone help please?