using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Cassandra myObject = new Cassandra();
            string a ="söt";

class Cassandra
            public string hejsan(string value)
                value +="Cassnadra";
                return value;


how come this wont work? all i get is "söt" as output when i should get "sötCassandra"
thanks for answers :)

using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Cassandra myObject = new Cassandra();
            string a ="söt";
            a = myObject.hejsan(a);
class Cassandra
            public string hejsan(string value)
                value +="Cassnadra";
                return value;

Line 10, you need to assign a to be the output of the method, as I have done in the above code.

hmm now i just get "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in ConsoleApplication3.exe" sigh? :D warning me if i have any infinite loops or something like that :O

thank you! you are the savior!

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