One thing I have been struggling with is moving from developing in Python to utilize Python on the web. All my web is currently handled with php, mainly through easy to install scripts/cms's such as Drupal, Wordpress and Joomla. Why? Because it is easy and they do 95% of what 99% of people need. (clients are not programmers)
So looking here: I realize everything Python is web-frameworks and nothing BUT web frameworks. Everything is about the socalled Model–view–controller and what not. Why? I really need to understand WHY? As I said above 95% of what 99% of people (at least the people that come to me) I can handle with free and easy to install software. The rest I can code myself with php.
But, I realize the power of Python, and I can see how great it would be to write python for some of the websites that we build. But why would I ever start working with a heavy to use web framework that makes absolutely no sense, hard to install and takes forever to get running on our servers since the compatability with current live servers are a joke and can kill Apache 100 times over.
I am not here to fight all the Python web framework evangelists, but I would like to know what option I have to type Python into my html files. If I want to do that, can I? If so how? And dont point me to another web-framework that is "better" or "lighter" or whatever each framework is trying to brand itself as. I just want to write Python, just that, nothing more, nothing less.
That or I have completely misunderstood the whole web-framework ideology and would really like a layman terms approach to why this is so much more fantastic.
And no its not fantastic building a blog from scratch in Django when wordpress gives 1000x more functions in 1000x less time spend.