I am trying to creat a profile accourding to user input but getting many errors:
here is my code
public class Profile
public Profile()
// method
public string getMSG()
return "What do you look like";
private string _eyecolor;
public string eyeColor();
get {return _eyecolor}
set {
_eyecolor=value.substring(0,1).ToUpper() +value.Substring(1);
public string getEyeColor()
return "Eye color: " +_eycolor+"Complexion color:";
public string _ccomplexion;
public string cComplexion();
return _ccomplexion;
private string _haircolor
public string hairColor
{return "Hair Color: "+_haircolor+
"Age: ";}
private int _age;
public int age
get {return _age;}
set {_age=value;}
public string getFullProfile()
return "For a "_eyecolor+" , "+ _ccomplexion+" and "+ _haircolor+"We suggest the following outfit"+"<br /><br /> "click Here";