I've got the following program, a header file, .cpp file, and p2.cpp, and it does not run correctly. It works when typing in a text document, but after that, it does not read the file how I want it to. I used the cout statements in main of p2.cpp to see when exactly it crashes, it cout'd the statements until it got to readFile, then it crashes. Here's all the code.

//File WordList.h
//Definition of class WordList
#ifndef WORDLIST_H
#define WORDLIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

//max capacity of Words array
int const CAPACITY=1000;

struct WordRec
  string Word;         //Words in Array of struct
  int wordNum;           //Word count in array of struct

class WordList

  //WordList Contructor

  //Returns number of words
  int getNumWords() const;

  // gets the word
  string getWord(int indx);

  //Other member functions
  WordRec &operator[](const int indx);
  const WordRec &operator[](const int indx) const;

  //Puts words from file into array
//  void addWord(string words);  
  const void operator+=(string word);

  //Returns a boolean value to determine whether the array has reached capacity
  bool full();

  void arrange();


  // The Data...
  //Instance of struct
  WordRec Words[CAPACITY];   
  //Number of elements in the array of struct
  int numWords;

  //the index
  int indx;

  // Private Member Functions...
  //Funtion for incrementing elts
  void incNumWords();

  //Function for decrementing number of words
  void decNumWords(int amt);

  void incWordCount(int indx);

  //Function for placing a word into List array
  void setWord(int indx, string word);

  //  Set Count to 0
  void initCount();

  //Swap for sort()
  void swap (int num1, int num2);

  //Sort function for sorting array of struct
  void sort();

  //Function to remove duplicates from array of struct
  void removeDups();            


bool operator<(const WordRec &left,const WordRec &right);

ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,const WordRec &WR);
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,const WordList &WL);



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "WordList.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

Function: WordList

Description: constructor, initializes count to 0

Parameters: None

Return Value: none

Function: initCount

Description: sets numWords to 0

Parameters: none

Return Value: none
void WordList::initCount()
    numWords = 0;

Function: setWord

Description: sets the word in that specific index to be string word

Parameters: int indx - IMPORT - the index in the array where the word is going
            string word - IMPORT - the word that is being moved into the array

Return Value: none
void WordList::setWord(int indx, string word)
    Words[indx].Word = word;

Function: getWord

Description: gets the word for that specific index

Parameters: int indx - IMPORT - the index in the array where the word you want is

Return Value: the string of Words[indx].Word
string WordList::getWord(int indx)
    return Words[indx].Word;

Function: getNumWords

Description: retuns


Return Value: the int number in numWords
int WordList::getNumWords() const
    return numWords;

Function: incWordCount

Description: increases the value of the amount of that word in the array

Parameters: int indx - IMPORT - the index in the array where you're increasing the wordNum

Return Value: none
void WordList::incWordCount(int indx)

Function: full

Description: checks to see if numWords is still under 1000, returns false if it is


Return Value: true or false depending on amount in numWords
bool WordList::full()
    return (numWords >= 1000);

Function: decNumWords

Description: decrements the number of words by the amount given

Parameters: int amt - IMPORT - the amount you wish to decrement numWords by

Return Value: none
void WordList::decNumWords(int amt)
    numWords -= amt;

Function: incNumWords

Description: increments number of words by 1


Return Value: none
void WordList::incNumWords()

Function: swap

Description: Swaps the index of one part of Words with another part. Also swaps the word amount. Used to change word order.

Parameters: num1 - IMPORT - Used to hold the value of the first index in the array that is being swapped.
            num2 - IMPORT - Holds the second value of the other index in the array being swapped.
            temp - Temporarily holds the word in Words[swapNum1].Word while it is being swapped.
            numtemp - Temporarily holds the word amount in Words[swapNum1].WordAmt while it's being swapped.

Return Value: None
 void WordList::swap(int num1, int num2)
    string temp;
    int numtemp;

    temp = Words[num1].Word;
    Words[num1].Word = Words[num2].Word;
    Words[num2].Word = temp;

    numtemp = Words[num1].wordNum;
    Words[num1].wordNum = Words[num2].wordNum;
    Words[num2].wordNum = numtemp;


Function: sort

Description: Sorts the array of Words into alphabetical order, A-Z, or, left to right. 


Return Value: None
void WordList::sort()
    for (int spot = 0; spot < numWords - 1; spot++)
        int minIndex = spot;
        for (int index = spot + 1; index < numWords; index++)
            if (Words[index].Word < Words[minIndex].Word)
                minIndex = index;
        if (minIndex != spot)
            swap(minIndex, spot);

Function: removeDups

Description: Finds duplicate words in the struct, removes them, and adds 1 to the word amount of that word.


Return Value: None
void WordList::removeDups()
    for (int spot = 0; spot < numWords - 1; spot++)
        int minIndex = spot;
        if (spot > 0 && Words[spot].Word == Words[spot - 1].Word)

            swap(numWords - 1, spot);


Function: arrange

Description: Calls sort and removeDups for easier usage.


Return Value: None
void WordList::arrange()

Function: operator<

Description: Overloads the less than operator. Returns true or false depending on if the word on the left is less than the word on 
the right

Parameters: WordRec &left - IMPORT - the WordRec on the left being compared
            WordRec &right - IMPORT - the WordRec on the right

Return Value: true or false depending on result.
bool operator<(const WordRec &left, const WordRec &right)
    return (left.Word < right.Word);

Function: operator<<

Description: operator overload of <<. outputs a specific word and wordNum.

Parameters: out - IMPORT/EXPORT? - how you're printing out to the screen?
            WR - IMPORT - to get access to the word and wordNum you're outputting

Return Value: out
ostream &operator<< (ostream &out, const WordRec &WR)
    cout << setw(15) << WR.Word << setw(15) << WR.wordNum <<endl;

Function: operator<<

Description: operator overload of <<. outputs all words in WL

Parameters: out - IMPORT/EXPORT? - how you're printing out to the screen?
            WL - IMPORT - to get access to the word and wordNum you're outputting

Return Value: out
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,const WordList &WL)
   cout << "All words in the file:\n\n";
   cout << setw(15) << "Words" << setw(15) << "Count" << endl;
   int indx = 0;
   while(indx != WL.getNumWords())
        out << WL[indx] << endl;

Function: operator+=

Description: operator overload of +=. Deals with taking in the word, setting it, incrementing the count
in that index, incrementing the number of words, and then incrementing the index.

Parameters: string word - IMPORT/EXPORT? - the word you're placing into the array

Return Value: none
const void WordList::operator+=(string word)
    setWord(indx, word);

Function: operator[]

Description: operator overload of []

Parameters: int indx - IMPORT - the index of Words

Return Value: Words[indx]
WordRec &WordList::operator[](int indx)
    return (Words[indx]);

Function: operator[]

Description: operator overload of [], constant

Parameters: int indx - IMPORT - the index of Words

Return Value: Words[indx]
const WordRec &WordList::operator[](int indx) const
    return (Words[indx]);


/Name: Zachary Bryan
/Course: CS136 020
/Assignment: Project 1
/Due Date: October 5th, 2012
/Files: p2.cpp, WordList.h, WordList.cpp, makefile
/Purpose: The program will open a file that the user tells it to open, and will output the characters, lines,
/and order the words from A to Z, eliminating duplicates and counting the amount of that word used in the process.
/It also outputs words with the amount of that word that the user requests. If the user puts in 0, it outputs everything.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "WordList.h"

using namespace std;

void openFile(ifstream &filein, string &fileLocation);

void charCount(ifstream &filein, int& lineAmt, int& charAmt);

void reopenFile (ifstream &filein, string &fileLocation);

void readFile(ifstream &filein, WordList WL);

void strUpr(string &str);

void outputResults(string fileLocation, int charAmt, int lineAmt, WordList WL);

Function: main

Description: Calls all the functions and initalizes the variables needed.

Parameters: WordList WL - IMPORT/EXPORT - Needed to call all functions that are public in WordList.cpp
            charAmt - EXPORT - holds the # of characters
            lineAmt - EXPORT - holds # of lines
            fileLocation - EXPORT - holds the string of the file's location
            filein - EXPORT - used when dealing with opening and closing file, also grabbing the words.

Return Value: None
int main()
    WordList WL;
    int charAmt = 0, lineAmt = 0;
    string fileLocation;
    ifstream filein;
    WordRec WR;

    openFile(filein, fileLocation);
    cout << "It opens the file" << endl;

    charCount(filein, charAmt, lineAmt);
    cout << "It counts the chars and lines" << endl;

    reopenFile(filein, fileLocation);
    cout << "It reopens the file" << endl;

    readFile(filein, WL);
    cout << "It reads the file" << endl;

    outputResults(fileLocation, charAmt, lineAmt, WL);

    return 0;

Function: openFile

Description: Opens the file entered in by the user. If the file couldn't be opened, 
it returns an error and asks for input again.

Parameters: ifstream filein - IMPORT/EXPORT - Deals with file tasks such as opening the file.
            string fileLocation - IMPORT/EXPORT - holds the string of the file location entered by the user.

Return Value: None
void openFile(ifstream &filein, string &fileLocation)
    cout << "Hello again! This program will open a text file of your choosing, and then output the amount of characters and lines," 
        << "as well as output all words that appear the same amount of times as the number you input (Ex. All words that appear 3 times"
        << "will be shown when you enter 3)." << endl;
        cout << "Please enter the name of the file (Include .txt at the end of the file's name)." << endl;

        cin >> fileLocation;

        if (filein.is_open() == true)
            cout << "Error: File not found." << endl;
    } while (filein.is_open() == false);

Function: charCount

Description: Counts the amount of characters that are within the file.
Also counts the amount of new lines the file has.

Parameters: ifstream filein - IMPORT/EXPORT - Deals with file tasks of getting characters and lines from the file using .get()
            int lineAmt - IMPORT/EXPORT - Holds the amount of characters found within the file.
            int charAmt - IMPORT/EXPORT - Holds the amount of new lines found within the file.

Return Value: None
void charCount(ifstream &filein, int& lineAmt, int& charAmt)
        if (filein.get() == '\n')
    } while (!filein.eof());



Function: readFile

Description: Takes the words from the file and places them into string word, which is then converted into all uppercase
and then added into the array of struct WordRec.

Parameters: filein - IMPORT - places a word into word
            word - EXPORT - holds the word which is then placed into strUpr and then added into the array of struct WordRec
            WL - IMPORT/EXPORT - used for calling WL.full() and for the += operator.

Return Value: none
void readFile(ifstream &filein, WordList WL)
    string word;
    while (WL.full() == false && filein >> word)
        WL += word;
        cout << word;

Function: reopenFile

Description: Closes the file, clears it, then re-opens it.

Parameters: ifstream filein - IMPORT/EXPORT - Deals with file tasks.
            string fileLocation - IMPORT/EXPORT - holds the string of the file location entered by the user.

Return Value: None
void reopenFile(ifstream &filein, string &fileLocation)

Function: strUpr

Description: Takes a string and converts it to all uppercase letters.

Parameters: str - IMPORT/EXPORT - holds the string

Return Value: none
void strUpr(string &str)
    for (int indx = 0; indx < str.length(); indx++)
        str[indx] = toupper(str[indx]);

Function: outputResults

Description: Outputs all information collected by the program, along with words that appear the amount of the times the user
wishes to see. If 0 entered, outputs all words. Exits when a negative number is input.

Parameters: string fileLocation - IMPORT - holds the name of the file opened.
            int charAmt - IMPORT - Holds the amount of characters founds within the file.
            int lineAmt - IMPORT - Holds the amount of lines in the file.
            WordList WL - IMPORT - Deals with all WordList tasks

Return Value: None
void outputResults(string fileLocation, int charAmt, int lineAmt, WordList WL)
    int userChoice = 0;

    cout << charAmt << endl << lineAmt;
    while (userChoice >= 0)
    cout << "Enter the number of how many times a word appears that you'd like to see output (Ex. enter 3 to see all words that appeared 3 times)" << endl
        << "Enter 0 to display all words and word counts, and enter a negative number to exit." << endl;
    cin >> userChoice;
    if (userChoice == 0)
        cout << WL;
        for (int j = 0; j < WL.getNumWords(); j++)
            //would check to see if Words[j].wordAmt == userChoice, then output Words[j].word if so

Lines 298-303 (wordlist.cpp), in method const void WordList::operator+=(string word) just check if the indx is within range.

// do we have space to add 1 more word?
if (indx + 1 < CAPACITY) {
    setWord(indx, word);

Line 149 (p2.cpp) you have void readFile(ifstream &filein, WordList WL) which is probably not what you have. You want to pass the 'WL' by reference or pointer so add the reference operator & (..., WordList &WL);

One important thing when working with classes, make sure you initialize all your primitive data types int/long/char and pointers.

By looking at your constructor, you never initialized int indx; so when you try adding a word in line 155 (p2.cpp file) in function void readFile(ifstream &filein, WordList WL) with WL += word;. You can see that you're trying to use the variable 'indx' but you never properly initialized it, so it contains garbage data and your program crashes as a result.

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