I have a project to where I am making a pizza order for customers. My forms consist of a form for the pizza quantity and size (the cost is displayed in a lblDisplay.Text). I also have another form which calculates the cost of beverages.

I am now on the third form which calculates the cost of side items. I need to make it to where when the user clicks the submit button that the total of the side items is displayed along with adding the total of the pizzas and beverages of the other two forms. I dont know how to grab data from other forms.

I can make the other forms load by using the

Dim XXXX as new frmXXX

If my question is not clear enough, please let me know.


Hi Adam,

I will give the method , regardless about your project take the method then apply it with any project

There two common methods is used for passing data between forms

The first one is by creating a properties in the form that you want to pass the data on it

for example if you have two forms the the first one (name it Form1) include one textbox control and button , and when pressing button you want to pass the textbox text to the second form (name it Form2)

the property shold be like :

Note these codes in Form2

Private _passedText As String

Public Property [PassedText]() As String
                Return _passedText
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _passedText= Value
            End Set
        End Property

Then , when you are declaring Object from Form2 you just set The Value before Showing the Form

in the Form1 and in Button1 Click event write these lines :

Dim Obj As New Form2
Obj.PassedText = TextBox1.Text

by this way you have the text in the Form2 - variable _passedText

hope you get it , if you didnt I am here

The Second Method by Adding parameters to the Form that you need to pass the data on it in Sub New - I didnt like it , the Properties is better

Good Luck


i want to pass a text from a textbox in form1 to a label in form2 , but the text in form1 is retrieved from a database. how could i do it??:rolleyes:

Edit ...... thanx i solve the problem

Hi Ammar Gaffar,

If I want to pass around 10 data from form1 to form2, it iz I still can using this method? or got other method to pass more than 1 data from form to form?

Hi KhWo ,

It dosnt matter how many Variables you need to Pass , just create a property for each variable , Object , or any other types

Good Luck

Do this also work in VB 6? I'm new to the language and tested out your code but I only experience alot of failures.


in vb 6 you can access it directly

Thank you!

So if I create a variable in Form1, then it will automatically exist in Form2 once it opens? Cool!

nice to hear that.
happy coding friends...:)

Hi Adam,

I will give the method , regardless about your project take the method then apply it with any project

There two common methods is used for passing data between forms

The first one is by creating a properties in the form that you want to pass the data on it

for example if you have two forms the the first one (name it Form1) include one textbox control and button , and when pressing button you want to pass the textbox text to the second form (name it Form2)

the property shold be like :

Note these codes in Form2

Private _passedText As String

Public Property [PassedText]() As String
                Return _passedText
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _passedText= Value
            End Set
        End Property

Then , when you are declaring Object from Form2 you just set The Value before Showing the Form

in the Form1 and in Button1 Click event write these lines :

Dim Obj As New Form2
Obj.PassedText = TextBox1.Text

by this way you have the text in the Form2 - variable _passedText

hope you get it , if you didnt I am here

The Second Method by Adding parameters to the Form that you need to pass the data on it in Sub New - I didnt like it , the Properties is better

Good Luck

Hi i tried this code and it really works.But without obj.Show it didnt.
Whats the function of obj.Show here?

Obj As New Form2
Obj.PassedText = TextBox1.Text

Hi i tried this code and it really works.But without obj.Show it didnt.
Whats the function of this line of code?

makes the text entered in form1 appear visibly in form2

Hi there,

I am using VB.Net 2003
Thank you for your advice and suggestions. I tried it out and it's working. You are just awesome sharing information with newbie like me.

Have a Good Day and Thanks.


Thanks , Very Simple and Useful Code

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