I'm trying to apply a linear regressipn function to my numpy array and then store the results in a new array. But i have 2 things that are not working for me.
def regressioncal(valarray):
new_col = []
valarray = numpy.array(valarray)
for t in xrange(1,5000,10):
for j in xrange(1,5000,10):
for di in range(len(valarray)):
for dj in range(len(valarray[di])):
if(sum(t,j,100) >= l/2):
new_col.append(l - j - valarray[di][8])
new_col.append(l - (t + valarray[di][8]/2))
numpy.insert(valarray, len(valarray)+1, 1, axis=1)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(valarray[:,8:9],valarray[:,5:6])
line = slope*valarray[:,5:6]+intercept
linregres.append((t,j,slope,intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err,err))
return valarray
so basically i want to apply the linear regression to specific columns in the array, and one of them is the new_column that i'm trying to append to the array before calculationg the regression.
but the problem is :
1- the new_column is not being appended to the array
2- the identation problem : numpy.insert
should be outside the loops but the linear regression calculation should be inside the (t,j)
loops in order to get different regression for each combination.
Thank you for your help.