I am getting some strange results from my framerate calculation. It seems to have a mind of its own. It wants to stay at about 60 fps even if I set it to 80fps. It does run though if I set it to 50fps.
I am getting smooth movement at 60fps but at 50fps the waiting part kicks in and starts to jitter the movement. I have given the entire while loop.
it works I've tested it but I dont know why it stays at 60 fps and not go crazy.
Please help.
MSG msg;
DWORD ticks = GetTickCount() / 1000;
DWORD ticksMS = GetTickCount();
ticks = 0;
int iFrame = 0; // the current frame
int iFrameRate = 60; // limits the framerate
g_uFrameRate = 0; // global framerate
long iWaited = 0; // length of time waited
int iNumSecs = 0; // number of seconds gone by in game loop
char c[80]; // used as debug text
string s;
DWORD fDelta = 0.0f;
FILE* pFile;
char buffer[100];
int iFrameCycles = 0;
fopen_s (&pFile, "myfile.txt" , "w");
if (pFile == NULL) perror ("Error opening file");
while (g_App.GetD3DStatus())
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
if (KEY_DOWN(VK_ESCAPE)) PostMessage(hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
if (KEY_DOWN(VK_MBUTTON)) PostMessage(hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
// only run if more than 1 second has passed
if (ticks < (GetTickCount() / 1000))
// save the framerate to tell CApplication, sprites and meshes
g_uFrameRate = iFrame;
// values
iWaited = 0; // reset the amount of time waited
ticks = GetTickCount() / 1000; // rest ticks to the current time
ticksMS = GetTickCount();
iFrame = 0; // reset the number of frames to zero
iNumSecs += 1; // increment the number of secs gone by
iFrameCycles = 0; // the number of revolutions per second
// pause if we have rendered more than the framerate in 1 sec
if (iFrame >= iFrameRate)
// calc amount of ms left over
fDelta = 1000 - (GetTickCount() - ticksMS);
// check for user input
// render
// incrememnt the frame number
} // endelse
} // end while (g_App.GetD3DStatus())
fclose (pFile);
Here is how I am moving... This is smooth at 60fps but jittery at 50fps.
void CShape::Orbit(float fX, float fY, float fZ)
// calc xyz velocity's cirular points
m_fXV = (float)(sin(fX) * 12.0f) * 20.0f;
m_fYV = 0;
m_fZV = (float)(cos(fZ) * 25.0f) * 20.0f;
// set the spacial coords equal to triad velocities
// make sure that there is no divide by zero and
// divide the velocity by the current framerate to give
// the per second unit of movement.
if (m_fXV != 0)
m_fX = m_fXV * fT;
if (m_fYV != 0)
m_fY = m_fYV * fT;
if (m_fZV != 0)
m_fZ = m_fZV * fT;
// apply this to a matrix
D3DXMatrixTranslation(&m_matTranslate, m_fX, m_fY, m_fZ);
}// Orbit