Please help me out
I am trying to do the following:

"Create a program that calculates prime numbers from a certain number X to a number Y. Modify the program so as to run two threads at the same time. The first thread will start counting from X to Y and the second from Y to Z."

I have managed to create the program and get the threads running. My only problem is that for input values greater than 90000, the program is no longer reliable e.g. for a range of 100000 - 150000, the program might output only 1 prime number and if run again output 5 prime numbers and yet another time output 3 prime numbers.
I have tested the program without threads and it works fine, which leads me to think that it's my implementation of the thread that is faulty.

Please help me out if you can. Thanks

here is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;
const int MAX = 10000;

struct prArray
    int pStart, pEnd, pTest, pCount;
    int tArray[MAX];

int check_prime(int);
DWORD WINAPI primer(LPVOID lpParam);

int main()
    /* by having these 2 variables + the struct, error checkin is made easier*/
    int one, two, diff, temp, end1, start2;

    cout << " START:\n";
    cin >> one;
    cin >> two;
    prArray ash;
    prArray jeff;
    diff = (two - one); // get the difference between the start and end values
    temp = diff / 2;        // use this to divide the work evenly among the threads
    end1 = one + temp;      // end value for first thread
    start2 = end1 + 1;      // begin 1 number after the end of first thread

    // set the struct values
    ash.pStart = one;       // equal to the first number of the range e.g. 1 - 10000 --> 1
    ash.pEnd = one + temp;  // equal to halfway between the range e.g. 5000
    ash.pCount = ash.pStart;
    jeff.pStart = start2;   // equal to next number after halfway e.g. 5001
    jeff.pEnd = two;        // equal to last number of the range e.g. 10000
    jeff.pCount = jeff.pStart;

    //create first thread
    DWORD myThreadID1;
    HANDLE myHandle = CreateThread(
        NULL,           // security
        0,              // stack size
        primer,         // function to perform
        &ash,           // function parameter --> pass the struct
        0,              // creation flag
        &myThreadID1);  // thread id

    //create second thread
    DWORD myThreadID2;
    HANDLE myHandle2 = CreateThread(

    // close the threads

    // print stuff out
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "   BACK TO main()\n";
    // begin with first struct (ash)
    cout << "\n   THREAD1: \n";
    cout << "Thread1 starting point: " << ash.pStart << endl;
    cout << "Thread1 ending point: " << ash.pEnd << endl;
    cout << "Test: " << ash.pTest << endl;
    int i1;
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < MAX; i1++) // print array values for first struct (ash)
        if (ash.tArray[i1] == 0)
            cout << ash.tArray[i1] << " ";

    //begin second thread (jeff)
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "   THREAD2: " << endl;
    cout << "Thread2 starting point: " << jeff.pStart << endl;
    cout << "Thread2 ending point: " << jeff.pEnd << endl;
    cout << "Test: " << jeff.pTest << endl;
    int js;
    for (js = 0; js < MAX; js++) // print array values for second struct (jeff)
        if (jeff.tArray[js] == 0)
            cout << jeff.tArray[js] << " ";
    cout << "\n first = " << i1 << endl;
    cout << " second = " << js << endl;
    cout << "Thread 1 counter = " << ash.pCount << endl;
    cout << "Thread 2 counter = " << jeff.pCount << endl;
    cout << "\n END PROGRAM" << endl;
    return 0;
// =============    END OF main() ==============

/** ============    CHECK FOR PRIME ============= */
int check_prime(int a)
    int c;
    if ( a == 2 || a == 3 || a == 5 || a ==7) //check if the number is 2
        return 1;
    else if (a % 2 == 0 || a % 3 == 0 || a % 5 == 0 || a % 7 == 0) //check if the number is even
        return 0;
    else //for odd numbers, check if they are prime
        for (c = 11; c <= a - 1; c+=2)
            if (a%c == 0)
            return 0;
        if ( c == a)
            return 1;
/** ============    END CHECK PRIME============== */

/** ============    THREAD  ===================== */
    prArray& dan = *(prArray*)lpParam; /*working initialization */
    dan.pTest = (dan.pEnd - dan.pStart);

    // initialize the array to "0"
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
        dan.tArray[i] = 0;

    int b = 0;
    for (int lp = dan.pStart; lp <= dan.pEnd; lp++, dan.pCount++)
        int result3 = check_prime(lp);
        if (result3 == 1)
            dan.tArray[b] = lp;
/** ================END THREAD =================*/

How do you know your threads are done computing before your main function starts printing their values?

You have to implement some kind of signaling between the threads and the main function.
Perhaps use a global volatile BOOL variable e.g. ThreadIsDone; set it FALSE when the thread starts and TRUE when the computations are done.

Then place the ThreadIsDone evaluation inside a while loop to get informed when the thread is done before starting printing data.

Your code is working by luck, for values < 90000.

You could also check WaitForSingleObject winapi function in msdn.

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