Hi I am the new in C# and I do some semestral project, I have done generating the entity data model, and I want to connect to the database from class by dbcontext using the ConnectionString. I have problem to bind a connection to these database. Can someone help me?
There are my classes:
1.) this classes throw me warning that is obsolete
public static class ConnectionSettings
public static String ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[@"data source=(localdb)\v11.0;initial catalog=SusibarDatabase;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework""];
2.)this is the the second: EntityContainer is the name in configuration of xml
ublic class ItemDbContext : DbContext
public ItemDbContext()
: base("EntityContainer")
{ }
public DbSet<Item> Items { get; set; }
3.)this is the class to adding data into database
public class RequestModel
private EntityDbContext.ItemDbContext dbContext = new EntityDbContext.ItemDbContext();
public int GetUnifishedRequestsCount() { return 5; }
public void TestInsert()
Item i = new Item();
i.Id = 1;
i.Name = "Test";
i.Created = DateTime.Now;
i.Deleted = false;
4.)the main
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
model.RequestModel model = new model.RequestModel();