My code has a couple of "multiple assigments" and
somehow I think there should be a nicer way to do this in Python.
This is how it currently looks like:
# sum price fields
paf = paf + float(pa)
pbf = pbf + float(pb)
pcf = pcf + float(pc)
pdf = pdf + float(pd)
pef = pef + float(pe)
pff = pff + float(pf)
pgf = pgf + float(pg)
phf = phf + float(ph)
# format to 2 decimals
pas = "%.2f" % paf
pbs = "%.2f" % pbf
pcs = "%.2f" % pcf
pds = "%.2f" % pdf
pes = "%.2f" % pef
pfs = "%.2f" % pff
pgs = "%.2f" % pgf
phs = "%.2f" % phf
Thanks in advance for improvemnet suggestions.