I have been walking through the tutorial "second ios app" on apple's developer website and I am getting a warning from the code that is implemented in the "Get the User's Input" section at the bottom of this link https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/SecondiOSAppTutorial/CreatingAddView/CreatingAddView.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011318-CH6-SW1
In the implementation of the done method there is the line:
[self.dataController addBirdSightingWithSighting:addController.birdSighting];
I'll add the BirdSightingDataController header file below this entry, but it doesn't have a addBirdSightingWithSighting method. The title is addBirdSightingWithName and it takes two parameters.
This code should update the master scene with a new BirdSighting instance, but even when I change the method name I get the warning: "no visible @interface for "BirdSightingDataController" declares the selector addBirdSightingWithSighting:"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.