I am coding some python to work with some wireless serial devices. I have 2 devices reading temperatures and other environmental data over an Xbee which then writes the data over serial.
The data looks like this when read in Hex:
The important character is the 7e at the beginning which is the start delimiter for the packets - device information and sensor data follows that.
I have the following up to now:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com6',9600,timeout=1)
while 1:
Data_in = ser.readline().encode('hex')
if Data_in[0:2] == '7e':
Data_in.split('7e', -1)
print "=========================="
print "Found Packet: " + Data_in
if Data_in[6:8] == '90':
print "Packet Type = ZgBee RX Packet"
AH = Data_in [10:18]
AL = Data_in [18:26]
print "Device Address = ", AH, AL
TH = Data_in [34:36]
TL = Data_in [38:40]
THc = int(TH, 16)
TLc = int(TL, 16)
print "Temperature: " , THc , "." , TLc
print "======================="
print " "
That is working fine for now but when I introduce 2 devices the split isn't working as expected and the data arrives over serial as follows:
As you can see there are 2 packets in there which as stated above is seprated by the 7e in the middle there.
Is there an alternative way of doing the split?
The devices communicate with 1 coordinator (COM6) so I can't read them over seperate serial lines either.
I can't do it by the length of the packet either as there could be different packet types which will be different lengths. I could do with a way of splitting the data that will seperate the 2 streams but still allow me to pick out the individual characters from the string
Any ideas on a possible method?
The above works if the devices don't sync and send at different intervals but they seem to always end up doing that in the end...