I would like to know about the following code, could anyone tell me, please?
.text:004027A0 sub_4027A0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_401010+118-p
.text:004027A0 var_404 = byte ptr -404h
.text:004027A0 sub esp, 404h
.text:004027A6 lea eax, [esp+404h+var_404]
.text:004027A9 push 1
.text:004027AB push eax
.text:004027AC call sub_401CC0
.text:004027B1 add esp, 8
.text:004027B4 test ax, ax
.text:004027B7 jz short loc_4027C2
.text:004027B9 xor al, al
.text:004027BB add esp, 404h
.text:004027C1 retn
.text:004027C2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004027C2 loc_4027C2: ; CODE XREF: sub_4027A0+17-j
.text:004027C2 push ebx
.text:004027C3 push 3
.text:004027C5 push 0FA31h
.text:004027CA push 8
.text:004027CC push 1298h
.text:004027D1 push 0C6E0h
.text:004027D6 push 5DEFh
.text:004027DB lea ecx, [esp+420h+var_404]
.text:004027DF push ecx
.text:004027E0 xor bl, bl
.text:004027E2 call _RNBOsproOverwrite@28 ; RNBOsproOverwrite(x,x,x,x,x,x,x)
.text:004027E7 test ax, ax
.text:004027EA jnz short loc_402815
.text:004027EC push 3
.text:004027EE push 0F0A0h
.text:004027F3 push 9
.text:004027F5 push 1298h
.text:004027FA push 0C6E0h
.text:004027FF push 5DEFh
.text:00402804 lea edx, [esp+420h+var_404]
.text:00402808 push edx
.text:00402809 call _RNBOsproOverwrite@28 ; RNBOsproOverwrite(x,x,x,x,x,x,x)
.text:0040280E test ax, ax
.text:00402811 jnz short loc_402815
.text:00402813 mov bl, 1
.text:00402815 loc_402815: ; CODE XREF: sub_4027A0+4A-j
.text:00402815 ; sub_4027A0+71-j
.text:00402815 push 0
.text:00402817 push 0
.text:00402819 lea eax, [esp+410h+var_404]
.text:0040281D push eax
.text:0040281E call _RNBOsproCleanup@0_9
.text:00402823 mov al, bl
.text:00402825 pop ebx
.text:00402826 add esp, 404h
.text:0040282C retn
.text:0040282C sub_4027A0 endp