So for my assignment I have to create the Vector class and apply it .hpp to include the "Vector.h" file and no include the original Vector class. I have a few of the member functions done but am not sure how to begin with the other ones and im wondering what is wrong with my syntax for the operator=. If anyone can help me get the ball rolling it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Header File

    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdexcept>

    namespace cop4530 {

        template <typename T>
        class Vector {
            // iterator support
            typedef T* iterator;
            typedef const T* const_iterator;

            // constructor, destructor, and copy constructor
            Vector(); // default zero parameter constructor
            Vector(const Vector &rhs); // copy constructor
            // num elements with value of val
            explicit Vector(int num, const T& val = T());
            // constructs with elements [start, end)
            Vector(const_iterator start, const_iterator end);

            ~Vector(); // destructor

            // operators

            // index operator
            T& operator[](int index);
            const T& operator[](int index) const;

            // assignment operator
            const Vector& operator=(const Vector &rhs);

            // at function. safer than operator[]
            T& at(int loc );
            const T& at(int loc ) const;

            T &front(); // reference to the first element
            const T& front() const;
            T &back(); // reference to the last element
            const T & back() const; 

            // accessor member functions
            int size() const; // number of elements
            int capacity() const; // capacity of vector
            bool empty() const; // check if list is empty

            // mutator member functions
            void clear(); // delete all elements

            void push_back(const T & val); // insert to the end
            void pop_back(); // delete last element

            void resize(int num, T val = T()); // resize vector
            void reserve(int size); // reserve memory

            // print out all elements. ofc is deliminitor
            void print(std::ostream& os, char ofc = ' ') const; 

            // iterator support
            iterator begin(); // iterator to first element
            const_iterator begin() const;
            iterator end(); // end marker iterator
            const_iterator end() const; 
            iterator insert(iterator itr, const T& val); // insert val ahead of itr
            iterator erase(iterator itr); // erase one element
            iterator erase(iterator start, iterator end); // erase [start, end)

            int theSize; // number of elements
            int theCapacity; // number of elements that can be stored
            T *array; // dynamic array to store elements.

            void doubleCapacity();
        }; // end of class Vector

        // overloading comparison operators
        template <typename T>
        bool operator==(const Vector<T> & lhs, const Vector<T> &rhs);

        template <typename T>
        bool operator!=(const Vector<T> & lhs, const Vector<T> &rhs);

        // overloading output operator
        template <typename T>
        std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Vector<T> &v);

        // include the implementation file here
    #include "Vector.hpp"

    } // end of namespace COP4530

    *Implementation File*

    #include "Vector.h"
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    const int zero = 0;
    using namespace cop4530;

        template<typename T>
        Vector<T>::Vector( ) : theSize(zero), theCapacity(zero), array(NULL)

        template<typename T>
        Vector<T>::Vector(const Vector &rhs): T(NULL)

       template<typename T>
           delete [] array;

        template<typename T>
        bool Vector<T>::empty() const

         template<typename T>
         void Vector<T>::pop_back()
        template<typename T>
        void Vector<T>::push_back(const T & value)
     template<typename T>
       Vector<T>:: const operator=(const Vector &rhs)
           if (this != &rhs)
               delete [] array;
               theSize = rhs.size();
               theCapacity = rhs.theCapacity();

               array = new T[capacity()];

               objects = new T[capacity()];
               for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) 
                   T[i]= rhs.array[i];
               return *this;


const Vector& operator=(const Vector &rhs);

Should be

const Vector<T>& operator=(const Vector<T> &rhs);

And then in you implementation this

Vector<T>:: const operator=(const Vector &rhs)

should be

const Vector<T>&::operator=(const Vector<T> &rhs)

Thank you, btw if the prototype in the class is:
explicit Vector(int num, const T& val = T());

Is the syntax for the function in the implementation file
Vector <T>::explicit Vector(int num, const T& val = T())

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