Hello guys,
I would appreciate if you could help my on the below issue.
When i used an Excel object in my code, when closing this, the excel.xls applicataion remains opened at the task manager.
i am copying below the test code for your reference, which i am using in order to reproduce the same so any help
would really appreciated.
Also i noticed the below: When i comment out the following
"exWB.saveAs "filepath""
the excel.exe instance is closing propertly. But when i am including this again in the project, in order to be able to save the excel, again the excel.exe remains in the task manager even if i closed the object.
----------##### Used Code ######
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim ex As Excel.Application
Dim exWB As Excel.Workbook
'Dim exSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set ex = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set exWB = ex.Workbooks.Add
exWB.Sheets(1).Range("a1").Value = "TEST"
'Set exSheet = exWB.ActiveSheet
'exSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "TEST"
'ex.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\temp\temp.xls"
exWB.SaveAs "C:\temp\temp.xls"
'Set exWB = ex.Workbooks.Open("C:\temp\temp.xls")
Set exWB = ex.Workbooks.Add("C:\temp\temp.xls")
ex.Visible = True
'ex.Workbooks.Application.SaveWorkspace "C:\temp\temp.xls"
'exWB.SaveAs "C:\temp\temp.xls"
ex.UserControl = True
ex.DisplayAlerts = False
Set exWB = Nothing
Set ex = Nothing
End Sub
----------##### Used Code ######