Hello Group!
I've created a fairly large database with approximately 170 columns. I now want to begin writing data to that database table and saving the data. I'm using a form I'm calling "frmInventoryMasterSetup". I've also created the individual textboxes that I want to link to the columns for saving. I now want to type data into the individual textboxes and have that information stored in the database.
To make your answer simple, lets use 3 of my fields. The sql database is called "DDdatabase.mdf". The table is called "InventoryMaster". I'm listing the textbox name and the database field name that I want to link together:
txbInvLocation connects to IN-LOCATION
txbInvPartNumber connects to IN-PART-NUMBER
txbInvDescription connects to IN-DESCRIPTION
What steps and code will I need to write to allow me to connect and write to this table?
I know some of you will want to ask why I didn't use "datagridview". I do want to use this form in some other ways and needed to format it this way to do it.
In advance, thanks for your assistance!