Please can someone help me and send me in the right direction.
I am making a program that reads a text file and then out puts the data into a datagrid, the text file looks like this:
84 73 0 -124 0 50
84 73 0 -124 0 50
84 84 0 -124 0 50
87 109 0 -124 0 50
82 120 0 -124 0 50
82 132 0 -124 0 50
83 143 0 -124 0 50
83 154 0 -124 0 50
85 171 77 -124 0 50
86 179 84 -125 121 3893
87 190 84 -125 121 3893
88 193 93 -125 128 5423
90 201 96 -125 121 5932
91 206 100 -125 108 6446
92 212 100 -125 108 6446
93 217 103 -125 108 7469
94 215 99 -125 110 6700
94 214 84 -125 103 6957
93 211 70 -125 103 6957
This is only a section of the file as the content continues for a further 200 lines with different data.
Each column represents data from left to right "average_speed, top_speed,heart_rate, altitude, cadence, power"
I need to find a way to read all the data after the "[HRData]" header and then put them in an array or list of some kind so i can then use them in a datagrid.
ps. each row such as:
84 73 0 -124 0 50
84 73 0 -124 0 50
84 84 0 -124 0 50
is separated by a tab (\t) and of course each row is separated by a new line (\r\n)
I would love your professional knowledge to point me in the right direction
Required output:
array or list average_speed = 84,84,84,87,82,82,83,83,85,86,87,88,90,93,92,91,94,94,93
and so on...
Thank you