So what I want to do is extend my class 'TheTemplate' from my 'Squarer' class and override my abstract methods which will change the method 'isEnd' from 12 to 20. How do I do this?

Code can be seen below:

public class RunTemplateExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TheTemplate ttOne = new TimesTable((int) (Math.random() * 12 + 1)),
                ttTwo = new RandomGuesser(),ttTwo2 = new RandomGuesser();


abstract class TheTemplate {

    public void templateMethod() {
        while (!isEnd()) {

    abstract protected void doStart();

    abstract protected boolean isEnd();

    abstract protected void doSomething();

    abstract protected void doEnd();


public class TimesTable extends TheTemplate {

    private int count;
    private int table;

    public TimesTable(int table) {
        this.table = table;

    protected void doStart() {
        System.out.println(table + " times table");

    protected boolean isEnd() {
        return (++count > 12);

    protected void doSomething() {
        System.out.println(count + " times " + table + " = " + (count * table));


    protected void doEnd() {

class Squarer extends TheTemplate {


by writing the code like that? but why not just extend TimesTable and override the doEnd method, if that is the only method that is supposed to do something different?

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