Papa_Don 31 Posting Pro in Training

As state previously, I'm a newbie at coding in VB and have much to learn. I'll appreciate your input and knowledge!

I'm creating a Order Entry form. I have the database in place with some "test" items in the in the table. I now want to begin creating a new order using this data. Here's what I'd like to do:

I'd like to either

1) to enter a portion of the part number into the PrtNumb textbox, either click or F5, and have a "popup" box (another form?) come up that has any part number that has the matching characters in it that was typed onto the part number textbox. Then I'd like to be able to drag it from this "popup" box into part number textbox on the order entry form. As an example, I know there are multiple part numbers that begin with "AO0025" (there are probably 25 items). In the "PrtNumb" textbox, I want to type in "AO0025" and the click a button or hit the F5 key. Then a popup box will appear with the 25 items that have "AO0025" as the prefix of the whole item number. I'd then like to drag one of those 25 items into the "PrtNumb" textbox on the Order Entry form and have it populate those fields on the Order Entry form that includes "Unit of Measure", "Price", etc. Then I'll I (or the user) will need to do is to enter the quantity that will be required.

2) to enter any word from the "Description" field of the part number database, click a button or hit F5, and have the popup box display any item that has that word in it's description. As an example, I'll type "#25" into the Description textbox on the Order Entry form. After hitting a button or hitting F5, the popup box will display the 25 items that have "#25" somewhere in the description field of the Inventory database table.

This is something I've not had any training on and have never done before. I know this may prompt some questions. Please don't hesitate to ask. As you suggest code, please tell me what each portion of the line is meant to do and/or the meaning behind a code phrase.

In advance, thanks for your assistance. This has been a lot of fun learning!
