How do I implement a frequency counter in a treenode that increases when the user enters an existing word?
I have a program where the user is asked to choose: enter string, search for string
My frequency counter is not working properly. How do I keep track of the frequencies for the left and right nodes? My frequency counter only gives for root:
public void insert(String item){
root = new TreeNode(item);
System.out.println("inserted " + "'" + item + "'" + " into tree. Frequency: " + root.getFreq());
// If string item already exists, do not insert another node, increase the frequency of the node containing the string
else if(searchTree(root,item) == true){
System.out.println( "'" + item + "'" + " already exists! Frequency: " + root.getFreq());
//if the string does not already exists, enters string item into new node
} else{
System.out.println("inserted " + "'" + item + "'" + " into tree! Frequency: " + root.getFreq());
public boolean searchTree(TreeNode root, String item){
if(root == null){
return false;
return true;
return searchTree(root.left, item) || searchTree(root.right, item);