Hello, I have this java code which draws to me 100 nodes(with the sink node)(like the figure) that are connected by links, at the end I will get a tree , now I need to redraw the tree in(shortest path tree using prim algorithm )I have the nods in ( x,y) coordinate, and the number of hops from any node to the sink node and the parent for each node(these result I got them from my c++ prim algorithm code )
I’m really confused and I don’t know how to improve the code to redraw the shortest path tree
Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated
package heuristic;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
public class multitreeplot extends JFrame {
public void paint(Graphics paint){
int[][] data;
int NMax = 500; // number of nodes in the topology
int dx = 100, dy = 100 , rectSize = 500;
data = new int[NMax][2];
int Ovalsize = 6;
int Plus = 1;
double radiorange =50;
FileReader fG = new FileReader("OriginalTopoPos.txt");
BufferedReader bufReadG = new BufferedReader(fG);
FileReader fSinks = new FileReader("SinksFile.txt");
BufferedReader bufReadSinks = new BufferedReader(fSinks);
setTitle("MultiTree Drawer");
// The whole background
paint.setColor (Color.white);
paint.fillRect (0,0,700,700);
// Determine the size of the area.
paint.setColor (Color.black);
paint.drawRect (dx-1,dy-1,rectSize+1,rectSize+1);
paint.drawRect (dx-2,dy-2,rectSize+1,rectSize+1);
paint.setColor (Color.white);
paint.fillRect (dx+1,dy+1,rectSize-2,rectSize-2);
//Plot the original topology.
NMax = 0;
String lineG =new String( bufReadG.readLine());
while (lineG != null){
int index= lineG.indexOf("-");
double x= (new Double(lineG.substring(0, index))).doubleValue();
double y= (new Double(lineG.substring(index+1, lineG.length()))).doubleValue();
// ** Reflect the image
// Aseel, in your experiment do not divide y, x by 10///
x = (int)(x/10.0) + 100;
y = (int)(y) + 100;
data[NMax][0] = (int)(x);
data[NMax][1] = (int)(y);
String s = String.valueOf(NMax);
paint.setColor (Color.gray);
paint.drawString(s, (int)x+4,(int)y-1);
paint.setColor (Color.blue);
paint.drawOval((int)x-4,(int)y-4, Ovalsize+Plus, Ovalsize+Plus);
paint.setColor (Color.blue);
paint.fillOval((int)x-3,(int)y-3, Ovalsize, Ovalsize);
lineG = bufReadG.readLine();
//Plot the links in original Topology.
// *********************************
for (int i =0 ; i < NMax; i++)
for (int j =i ; j < NMax; j++){
double distance = Math.pow(data[i][0]-data[j][0],2)+ Math.pow(data[i][1]-data[j][1],2);
distance = Math.sqrt(distance);
paint.setColor (Color.gray);
if (distance <= radiorange)
paint.setColor (Color.magenta);
paint.drawLine( data[i][0], data[i][1], data[j][0],data[j][1] );
// */
//Plot Sink Nodes.
int Sinks = 0;
String lineSinks =new String( bufReadSinks.readLine());
while(lineSinks != null){
int index= lineSinks.indexOf("-");
double x= (new Double(lineSinks.substring(0, index))).doubleValue();
double y= (new Double(lineSinks.substring(index+1, lineSinks.length()))).doubleValue();
//Reflect the image
x = (int)(x/10.0) + 100;
y = (int)(y) + 100;
paint.setColor (Color.blue);
paint.drawRect((int)x-5,(int)y-4, Ovalsize+Plus, Ovalsize+Plus);
paint.setColor (Color.green);
paint.fillRect((int)x-4,(int)y-3, Ovalsize, Ovalsize);
//String s = String.valueOf(NMax);
String s = "Sink";
paint.setColor (Color.gray);
paint.setColor (Color.black);
paint.drawString(s, (int)x+12,(int)y-5);
lineSinks = bufReadSinks.readLine();
}catch(Exception e){
public multitreeplot(){
int WSize = 700;
public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
JFrame win= new JFrame();
multitreeplot drawing= new multitreeplot();