The problem is when I have open the common dialog
and press the cancel button I got error code 32755
say that I have pressed the cancel button and i halts
On Error GoTo MnuNamnD_click_exit
With dlgDemo
.CancelError = True
.InitDir = mstrLastDir
.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
.fileName = .FileTitle '""
.Filter = "TextFiles *.txt|*.txt"
.ShowOpen ' here it stops when cancel is pressed
StrFileToOpen = .fileName
namn = .FileTitle
End With
On Error GoTo MnuNamnD_click_error
IntDemoFileNbr = FreeFile
Open StrFileToOpen For Binary Access Read As #IntDemoFileNbr
StrBuffer = Input(LOF(IntDemoFileNbr), IntDemoFileNbr)
TxtTestFile.Text = StrBuffer
Close #IntDemoFileNbr
mstrLastDir = Left$(StrFileToOpen, InStrRev(StrFileToOpen, "\") - 1)
Label14.Visible = False
Label16.Visible = True
Label16.Caption = "Fil :" & " " & namn
Exit Sub
MsgBox " Ett Fel inträffade"
TxtTestFile.Visible = False
LstData.Visible = True
AvbTxt.Visible = False
SparaTxt.Visible = False
Any one that can help me with tthis PLEASE: