I am writing a program for a clinic now. here is my code ,the problem now is I need to write 2 functions for my program
The first function : is to capture time of registration The second function: is for treated time of patient -each patient can consult DR max 15 mints- Can you please help me how to do that or if you have any Idea what field / where I should search about this ? thanks
here is my registration Class(if its needed I put the whole code here let me know )
template <class Type1,class Type2,class Type3>
LinkedQueueType<Type1,Type2,Type3>::void setpatientInfo()
long double IC;
long double aptNo;
newNode=new nodeType<Type1,Type2,Type3>;
cout<<"whats patient name? "<<endl ;
cout <<"enter the patient IC"<< endl;
//add new patient