How to get the path of home directory in windows?

I have the script that write log.txt in my windows 7 Desktop.

How can I change path in python to write log.txt in homedir directory? Is there any way to do it?

I tried with those 2 methods But its not work and its still write on windows Desktop?

LOG_FILENAME = 'log.txt'
homedir = os.environ['ALLUSERSPROFILE']
LOG_FILENAME = homedir
LOG_FILENAME = 'log.txt'

#Method 2
homedir = os.path.expanduser('~')
LOG_FILENAME = homedir
LOG_FILENAME = 'log.txt'

I see that you are overwriting the LOG_FILENAME variable. Instead of adding "log.txt" to it, you are replacing it with "log.txt". That would make it write to the desktop I think. Try doing this instead (After getting the user's home directory):

LOG_FILENAME = os.path.join(homedir, "log.txt")
# returns: C:\Users\USERNAME\log.txt
# instead of just "log.txt"

At the very least you would have to "add" or "append" the filename to the users directory like this:

LOG_FILENAME = homedir + "log.txt"

But the os.path.join() method accounts for extra '/' or '\', which is why I use os.path.join where applicable.

Thanks Sir for your answer.
So as I understand you it will be as below is it right?

homedir = os.environ['ALLUSERSPROFILE']
LOG_FILENAME = os.path.join(homedir, "log.txt")

When I write those variable it create tmpConf.txt on my windows 7 Desktop, why?

homedir = os.environ['ALLUSERSPROFILE']
LOG_FILENAME = os.path.join(homedir, "log.txt")

can i see a couple things so I can help you better. first, in IDLE or whatever you're using to run your script, do a print LOG_FILENAME and let me see the output. second, show me the part where the file is actually written. From when you open it (with open(LOG_FILENAME, 'w') or however you're doing it), to when you close it (when you're done writing the file). I'm gonna boot up my Windows machine and make sure I'm not steering you wrong, but I'd like to see those two pieces of info..

Here, I booted into Windows (windows 8, i'll check windows 7 just to be sure though). This little script writes a simple text file to user directories using both the os.path.expanduser method, and the ALLUSERSPROFILE method. Both seem to work fine for me.

""" testuserdir.py
    Trys two different methods for writing a simple logfile to
    user directories in Windows.

import sys, os, os.path

# short name for the test log.
short_filename = "testlog.txt"

def test_write(homedir):
    """ Trys to write sample text to a file """
    logfile = os.path.join(homedir, short_filename)
    print "Writing " + logfile
        with open(logfile, 'w') as flog:
            flog.write("Testing log file...\n")
    except (IOError, OSError) as exio:
        print "Unable to write file: " + logfile + '\n' + \
        return False
    return True

def test_read(homedir):
    """ Trys to read from the sample file """
    logfile = os.path.join(homedir, short_filename)
    # Check the file
    print "Checking the file..."
    if os.path.isfile(logfile):
        print "    File contents:"
            with open(logfile) as flog:
                print '    ' + flog.read()
                return True
        except (OSError, IOError) as exio:
            print "Unable to read file: " + logfile + '\n' + \
        print "File did not exist!: " + logfile

    return False

def test_remove(homedir):
    """ Try to remove the test file """
    logfile = os.path.join(homedir, short_filename)
    if os.path.isfile(logfile):
            print "Test file removed: " + logfile
            return True
        except (IOError, OSError) as exio:
            print "Unable to remove file:" + logfile + '\n' + \
        print "File doesn't exist!: " + logfile
    return False

def test_homedir(homedir):
    print ('-' * 60) + "\nTesting with home dir: " + homedir

def main():
    homedir = os.environ['ALLUSERSPROFILE']
    homedir = os.path.expanduser('~')
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ret = main()

# Output of program when ran on my machine:
C:\scripts\python testuserdir.py
Testing with home dir: C:\ProgramData
Writing C:\ProgramData\testlog.txt
Checking the file...
    File contents:
    Testing log file...

Test file removed: C:\ProgramData\testlog.txt
Testing with home dir: C:\Users\Christopher
Writing C:\Users\Christopher\testlog.txt
Checking the file...
    File contents:
    Testing log file...

Test file removed: C:\Users\Christopher\testlog.txt

Confirmed, Windows 7 gets the same (correct) output. The problem lies elsewhere, so if this doesn't help you correct it you can show me the other parts I was asking about and we can continue from there.

chriswelborn Thanks for your wonderful answer again.
I appreciate your help

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