My opensuse 12.came with python 2.72 installed. How can I update that and two, which editor would be reccomended? Thanks but please this is my first attempt at linux

The Suse's package manager keeps the packages rasonably uptodate, latest Python 2 is 2.7.5 so your Python is quite reacent. You can well start with IDLE and gedit text editor, SuSe's package manager should also include many other editors. Some Unix/Linux people prefer traditional vi/emacs environments with additional Python support. Also the Eclipse programming environment can be adapted for use with Python.

I am using wing ide 101 4.1 which is free and I am quite satisfied with it , it is in ubuntu
software center , I am not sure about suse's package manager

Thanks guys, I'm not sure what I did but I got it to work, and have eric up and runnung as well. Rather please with my self as this is my first linix expierence. I am on the python 2.7.3, upgraded from 2.7.1.

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