i want to read text between two indices in the file usinf file i/o operations in c++. HOw ca i do it? for example, here is the text file:

in this text file i need to print only the lines between 2: and 3:. How could this be done?

You need to actually read every line, but you can ignore the lines at a specific "index" by simply not printing them.

how can i do that? can u tel me the keywords for doing them?

Really? How is it that so many people these days are getting into projects without knowing the first thing about C++? Here, this program will read and print every line in a file:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    ifstream in("myfile.txt");

    if (in)
        string line;

        while (getline(in, line))
            cout << line << '\n';

I strongly recommend getting a book on C++ and reading it. Alternatively you can search Google for tutorials. This forum is best suited for helping with specific problems, not teaching you from scratch.

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