I'm thinking about implementing a simle scan tool , to show the available wireless networks and some information about it .

I'm thinking about writing it in C . Is it a good choice??
what libraries do I need to impelement it ??

Thanks in advance

What operating system do you want to use? How you do this depends entirely upon the API's the OS provides. Windows systems will be totally different from Linux or Android systems.

I'm sorry I think I forget to mention that , I want to do it under linux

ok. On linux, the network manager tool will scan for and list the available access points, assuming you have a working wifi device on the computer. In such a case, I recommend that you look at the source code for that - one of the benefits of working with open source software systems! :-) Personally, I don't know what the api's would be... In any case, that's what I'd do, and in about 1/2 hour I would know what they were... :-)

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