Hi everyone

i have to one probem

i have to 2 class

1 Class clsKullaniciIslemleri =

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace GorevTakip.KullaniciIslemleri
    class clsKullaniciIslemleri

        string first;
        string second;
        public string userName;
        public string userId;
        public string Yetki;

        GorevTakip.Gecisler Gec = new Gecisler();
        GorevTakip.Veritabani Dbase = new GorevTakip.Veritabani();

        public Boolean KullaniciGirisi(string KullaniciAdi, string Parola)

            GorevTakip.Yonetici.frmYoneticiGorev Yon = new Yonetici.frmYoneticiGorev();

                string Sql = "SELECT * FROM TBLPERSONEL WHERE EMAIL ='" + KullaniciAdi + "' AND PASSWORD =  '" + Parola + "'";

                    DataRow Satir = Dbase.Satir(Sql);
                    Yetki = Satir["YETKI"].ToString();                

                    First = Satir["ISIM"].ToString();
                    Second = Satir["SOYISIM"].ToString();
                    userName = ilk + " " + son;
                    return true;

                catch (Exception)

                    MessageBox.Show("Kullanıcı veya Sifre Yalnış");

        return false;

Second Class Gecisler =

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data;

namespace GorevTakip
    class Gecisler
        public void GorevPersonelAra()
            GorevTakip.KullaniciIslemleri.clsKullaniciIslemleri Cls12 = new KullaniciIslemleri.clsKullaniciIslemleri();

            if (Cls12.Yetki == "1" || Cls12.Yetki == "2")
                GorevTakip.Yonetici.KullaniciListesi frm = new Yonetici.KullaniciListesi();
                MessageBox.Show("Yetkiniz Bulunmamaktadır");


i didnt use to Yetki, userName , userId this class .

Because form return to yetki = null
userName = null
userId =null

You say you have a problem, but as I don't understand a word of Turkish, please elaborate on what your problem really is.

İm sorry i know my english is very bad. i am changes to samething plese please again control

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