codding for login form in v.b

It depend what type of Login Form you want to create,

• As for simple 1 User Login form Codes:

Create Windows form:
Add Button as for Login, 2 Textbox as for name and password, if you like to show of the also add progressbar and timer.
Timervalue = 0
timer Interval = 250
Progressbar value = 0

• Button Code:

• Timer1 Code:

If Textbox1.Text = "Username" and If textbox2.Text = "Password" then
    Progressbar1.value = Progressbar1.value + 1
    If Progressbar1.value = 100 then
    End If
    Progressbar1.value = Progressbar1.value + 1
    If Progressbar1.value = 70 then
    Msgbox("Incorrect Input",msgboxstyle.critical + msgboxstyle.okonly, "msg")
    End If
End If

► You Can also create the Windows type login too:
I mean: click on the user image then the image will load and then application start.

For More Details: Please Add more Info about the topic and Then I will create a tutorial on it.

Thank you: DM

i need a program coding in for student marklist

But Can You tell me that: want to make it for single user or more than 3 user user. or as for creating the a/c and the user get add...
Untill I know,
I have experienced this types of coding but,
yes they go long but succeed.

If You want it as for yourself to login in. then use the codes that I already Paste it.
If You want it as for yourself and One as for Guest Then
use the codes that I already Paste it. but you need to add one more details i.e.:

If Textbox1.Text = "Username(admin)" and If textbox2.Text = "Password(admin)" OR Textbox1.Text = "Username(guest)" and If textbox2.Text = "Password(guest)" then
    Progressbar1.value = Progressbar1.value + 1
    If Progressbar1.value = 100 then
    End If
    Progressbar1.value = Progressbar1.value + 1
    If Progressbar1.value = 70 then
        Msgbox("Incorrect Input",msgboxstyle.critical + msgboxstyle.okonly, "msg")
    End If
End If

• What This is going to do?
Actually I add the "OR" Condition.
• How?
What I did is: I gave two Logins if Admin then password must be: ••••
else if Guest is the user then no password directlogin.
• Benifits of this: By typing this way hacking of password will be difficult compared to the login that mention in the notepad or on your own notepad with another extension.

• There is also one another way of LOGIN.
The code will be Much more but it look Professnal:
Want to check then download this:
• Actually it is Folder Locker that i made in VB but in this I use Login System as for one user.

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